Arathi Basin

Damn I love these changes so much, as Alliance. I probably would love them more as Horde, but what can you do? 52K honor per hour!!! Just by losing! Awesome. Gives me time to do something else on the side too.

Let’s go!

Can I ask who benefits from this play style?

You have Alli side throwing match’s on purpose not participating in pvp

And Horde getting meaningless free wins for just showing up

Is it mainly pve’ers wanting to rank up for gear to pve in?

No ones getting any actual pvp done

How could this appeal to either side if you like pvp?

(I understand some people count anything as a win and their brains explode in fireworks even if they got it with no challenge)


While this is a very big discussion that involves a lot of states of play and player personalities, it boils down to this: Players perform an activity, in-game, to achieve a goal. The goal, in this instance, is ranking. The META for Alliance, with this system, is losing fast in AB. It takes 5 mins (give or take a few seconds, I timed it at 5 mins 18 secs myself) to lose fast in an AB. That equals to 52K honor per hour for Alliance and probably 75K for Horde. Everyone is happy.

The people who REALLY want to PvP effectively, make pre-mades to get every edge that they can in their favor. PUGs are all about HpH, not PvP afficcionados.

So, to answer your main question: Everyone benefits from this because they get fast ranks which equals to fast gear. In which case players who are already geared from MC should make premades and battle other premades, if they want to just see big numbers and do meaningful PvP. Although, to be fair, I never understood why people that were fully clad in PvE epics wasted their time doing PvP. They had nothing to gain really, apart from wasting their time.

No one does, its just a meh implementation by Blizzard to keep the hamsters running in the wheel.

All the “PvP” horde players got max honor cap 500k during one day of being handed free wins. I had 0 good games during that day, not a single game that was close or even fun.

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Blizzard since you add 2 marks on AB people are reporting thoes players who are doing the objective and trying to win. what is this. Please try do something about this type of behaviour. i get reports because i play the game??? When players like that are left alone will bring chaos in your yard. Seriously. I’m playing the game and i do the objective and i get reported because i play the way it should… there is a report option for sabotaging the game but it use for those who do play the game and not for those who stay afk and not participating

I still dont understand the end result here

You afk /fast loose games to get ranks and gear to then do what? suddenly start playing ?

Do people only pvp once they have the best gear?

What if half the guys team is still blue pve gear and afk and he now wants to pvp?

Viscous nonsense circle for my point of view

I think some items might be an upgrade for some people and it is easy just to afk or they are simply braindead (which they are)

People should start playing the game and stop doing check ups. most people play this game as a second job…

First AB was yesterday and when I saw that afk mess I said no thanks, I do not need these items, I will do fine with PvE too especially that I want to double judge

I would understand to add 2 marks to loses games if they have 2 flags carried in WSG or over 1500 point done in AB, but not like this. WHAT PVP IS THIS??

Well, whats worse? having AB like this, or no ab at all (nobody queued before this change)

Alliance to get honor with less time spent in an unbalanced sh1tfest that is SoD PvP
Horde gets Alliance to play against, reducing queue wait time.

Alliance forfeits so you always win but then we have some deathball PvP for honor kills.

It’s a short term fix to inject activity into PvP
Here I can introduce you to the Goodheart Law which states: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”

Blizzard will look at it and say, the PvP activity jumped by all metrics (more people playing, more BGs since they finish fast, more ranks, more everything) and will call it a success.
Ally will get ranks and gear and then stop playing.
Horde will get a short term people to play against. Then… tough luck. But I don’t care about Horde at this point. The way horde refuses to acknowledge the power of a specific PvP spec of shamans or the power of racials and the way you act in open world, you deserve long queues that will come as soon as ally finish up the rank grind for gear.

Accept balance or accept mixed BGs so you can fight amongst yourself or endure this.

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Good on paper for blizz then, staff meetings must be interesting there.

This is kind of what I’m getting at, is this the end result they are wanting to achieve?
Lose games on purpose get gear faster and then not pvp? or only in open world?

Dude wow is full of unhinged manchildren that have extreme emotional attachments to their chosen cartoon cow or gnome ofc they are going to talk complete and utter biased nonsense in their own favor

I like to think I have a reasonable level headed brain in my skull and do not think in any way SOD pvp is balanced, you clearly have a lot of agrro to put up with on your realm.

I said this a while ago, but if Alliance truly believed that Horde had several game changing mechanics that affect PVP to a high extent that it’s no longer enjoyable to play…why not simple stop…or even better PROTEST

Not much would get Blizz’s attention, but an organized protest with as many ALLi characters as possible no longer singing up for BG’s Blizz might at least have a quick look at whats going on

Not sure wow has that kind of community spirit to pull off an organized protest

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Don’t get me wrong, I think that the solution provided here is shortsighted and short term.

And In the end, while ally suffers more to get what they want, the more PvP orientate faction, Horde, will suffer more in the long run.

This, what we have now is:

  • A band aid for Ally to suffer less
  • A band aid for Horde for shorter queues
  • Basis for “number go up”

And lemme tell you additional bad news. Drop in activity after will be attributed to people attaining max ranks, policies will remain in place, new phase will finally allow rank 14, then everyone will get it, so another spike in activity and then and only then, after that drop, they might add something in the Naxx patch.

Nothing will happen before because “number go up”, number that should be a measurement, not a goal, but, well… Goodhart is nasty!

PvP in SoD isn’t fun. It’s not fun more to some then to others. I’ll leave you to guess who’s finding PvP less fun and needs incentives to join in.

I can tell you, the RMT business of feeding people blood in STV for honor has had a discount happen since this news hit, so maybe that’s something they will say as an achieved gold. Also, the RMT business exists only on ally, not on horde. Again, guess why xD

I just want to see PvP to PvE transfer, which is opposed ONLY by Horde characters, because then psychos that griefed lowbies in incursion or with homunculus from Gadgetzan Inn to get guards to attack people will finally get what they pushed for, a horde monofaction PvP server and Ally dominated PvE server.

At least BGs mix from both servers.

How long does horde wait for its turn at AB?

mich würde mal interessieren wo man den Entwicklern einen Tipp geben kann ? Da ich glaube die Lösung zu haben :slight_smile:

Insta almost of you sign with a group

i’ve had 3 min queue in avg as a solo-queuer.