Arathi Loremaster bugged?

I have all 6 book, and when I go to Ryfus to answer his questions, I get to the question “What should you do when Beledar shifts?” and I do not get the right answer to choose, I have deleted the 6 books and collected them again, and also reloaded game, and ui…still nothing.
Has anyone else had this issue?

I do presume you have already looked on Wowhead and maybe some other guide.

I see this comment, that may be helpful, since it’s the book that matches the question you have the problem with

I had trouble completing the Loremaster’s (Ryfus Sacredpyr) questions because I had collected the Shadow Curfew Journal but not the Shadow Curfew Guidelines, which tends to be hidden in all the map icons where you light the beacons in the north eastern farmland area. So it is not that an NPC reset is needed, it is that there are two books that look nearly the same in name.


P.S. To check, I just found the six books, took the Loremaster’s Quiz, and got the Toy. It’s cute. :smiley: So the whole sequence worked for me.

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