Arathor Horde Reconnections

I still have a movie of us killing the King of Stormwind, you remember?

Hellforged tauren warrior tank mainly.
freighttrain tauren hunter pvp main.
wickedone troll priest.
Played mostly in guild malice also played in the edge pvp guild where mooey wass GM after that i healed for a short while in umbrage on my priest. Aedis mortiferi guild.
I remember alot of the guildnames i see here.
Also remember sil the GM of umbrage and battery umbrage tank we used to ravage WSG graveyard me spamhealing him.
There are really to many people i can still remember Detk Bigbiz Hondadylan baraccus giannie umarth jezzebel and many more

Dang, that was a long time ago! You’ll have to send it to me!

I used to do WSG with Mooey from time to time! Was hella fun :smiley:

Also, hey Dbass, Krazy, Sylvi and anyone else I missed <3


hey gloryslayer if im not mistaken werent you one of the people who played in the pre made with mooey


Had to reply here since I saw so many familiar nicknames and most certainly guildnames.

I’m Superball’s brother (orc shaman) and without you knowing it, I’ve been raiding quite alot with some of you, filling in for my brother when he had sportstraining (must’ve definitly shown on the healingcharts… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Hope anyone can remember Superball… He’s been in The Burning Flamingo’s, Legion of Hell and I think even Umbrage at the end…

I just want to let you know, as most seem to go for Shazzrah PVP, if I see any of the familiar names or guildnames I’ll give you a /lick :wink: certainly Umbrage and Maligned, but also Away From Keyboard which always made me laugh (don’t hate, I was 11 years old back then… :stuck_out_tongue: ) Cya ingame!

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Played this warrior Raijin and a tauren shaman Terrathis. So nostalgic seeing all these familiar names. Bring back slackers corner.

@ WickedOne

Yeah thats me, ive pvp’d in most of the horde premades.


That Chinese honor farmer rogue name was Slo :wink:

I’ll never forget him haha

I meant the goldfarmer… Waiwai was his name?

This wass my pvp char back then.
Gdam slo who wont remember him.

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Oh how young we were


I remember you, Freighttrain, i’ve inspected your gear too many times to forget :wink:

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hey all there is a discord channel called Old Arathorians ,i would have linked an invite , but not allowed here, come and see if some of your old friends or guildies are there .

Hard to find a server without an invite though :confused:

Will probably be playing on Gehennas instead after today. Hoping to see some of you there instead :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi guys,
I played Thelizdas a Forsaken warrior back in the day
I used to tank for the legion of hell and later on The Burning Flamingos.
I played alot with a guy called Owner.

We’re rolling Alliance on Shazzrah with the same names so add us up if you’re around or remember us!

Yeah I will also be rolling on Gehennas after the massive overpopulation of Shazz!
Hope to see you Horde-side!

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I used to play an Undead Priest named Spirituned and was in a guild called ‘Your Mom’s My Mount’ This was obviously inappropriately named and we had to change it (Sorry Blizzard!) Played a bit with a guy called Huntymchunt Blood Elf Hunter. Looking forward to returning :slight_smile:

Hi desiderata. Still on my bnet list I think. My main was a troll hunter called Teke. Also had Caedo a troll warrior. Was in owls of protest for a good while before I quit the game. Looking forward to classic! Undecided on server yet but PvP for sure! Shout out to all the old Owls crew. Great nights raiding thru TBC. Was mostly alliance in vanilla.

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Yes you’re deffo on my friends list but I’m not sure if Bnet :slight_smile: hey there

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