Arathor Horde Reconnections

Played Zin, undead rogue from Maligned after switching from Alliance where I used to play Katrina, gnome mage and Sar, Human Paladin.

I also had a tauren warr on horde whose name i cant remember…

Username was Katrina on arathor dot net

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Yo Glory.

Its Stabbet, troll rogue, we used to rinse it in Darkshire together back in 06!

Whats your bnet ID dude?

I played Wolfsong, an Orc Warrior, and Narugal, a troll shaman.

Had numerous guilds, ones I remember are Wrath of the Horde, The Wolf Clan, Black Sheep, and I’m pretty sure I messed around in Your Mom’s My Mount for a while.

Names I remember are Fooma (for whom I am eternally grateful for teaching my then barely teenage self how to play), Headstomper, Morticia, Darkthorn, Hormonizer. Spirituned and Huntymchunt rings a bell…

Unfortunately I live in the US now, so I no longer play on EU, but I’m happy to hang out on bnet/discord with anyone that remembers me.

Have a good time with classic, everyone!

Had a few characters over my time…

Bux, a Troll Hunter, that was originally raiding with Insurrection (I have no idea why Bunsen let a 12 year old join his guild, or why he put up with me being terrible, but I’m glad he did! ((and all the thanks to Moonstrider for being a great class leader))).

Then I played as Atererus, Undead Priest, towards the end of Vanilla and into TBC and raided in Disbanded and Maligned. Been pottering around ever since…

Used to PvP with the drunken PvP crew quite a lot…

Right now, I’m thinking of rolling a Human Paladin on Pyrewood Village…

Been a while mate! I remeber raiding with you and heartripper

I played Jangles, orc rogue with Wow wolf clan and The usual suspects this is still that rogue haha transferred to the dark side though.

All the guild names are bringing back loads of memories!

I’m on shazz too but on alliance, night elf rogue this time around, Dutchy might see you in there haha

Tikel here, ended up going Razorgore. Queues aren’t that bad and did my first full WC run this morning. Having a blast.


i remember you - i was jumping around with my Orc Shaman - Luxer…

think we played together =)

Hello everyone.

I was on my Orc Shaman - Luxer those days…
few of familiar names here =)
I was playing most of time with Mooey in Bgs… =)

coming soon into classic but still deciding what to play and where… so if anyone have good idea please shoot .

thanks and have nice day,


HEY! I completely forgot about this thread. Great to see those names again! I hope Shazz isn’t too horrific. I’ve heard queue horror stories!

LUXER! That’s a blast from the past! If you end up on Pyrewood, let me know! (Although I am playing Alliance!)

Indeed :slight_smile: hello mate , add me luxer#2948