Divine Retribution is a 14 year old Alliance Guild on Arathor/Hellfire server which has also joined with Kilrogg/Nagrand and Runetotem.
We are a Mythic raiding guild, raiding Mythic since MoP with Cutting Edge on Jaina and getting to most last bosses otherwise. For Dragonflight we decided to be a little more chill and just HC raid. This didn’t really work out for us as we could not resist Mythic and we got 5/8 and 4/8 Mythic in the first 2 raids joining with another guild.
We decided to relaunch for TWW and recruited some great people with the same mindset as us - that is to build a Mythic team with a great atmosphere and focus on getting the ‘building’ bit right rather than be a flash-in-the-pan-one-tier-wonder. We achieved 5/8 Mythic in NP, which given we recruited basically from scratch surprised the hell out of me! We have a great team, with the best team spirit I have raided with since we started Mythic raiding as a Guild.
We are more interested in finding the right people to join our community than the class you play. We are a community not just a Guild and our enjoyment comes mostly from the fun and banter we have with each other. We do not mass recruit, we are very careful about finding the right people.
We are looking for a couple of additional DpS players who preferably have some mythic raiding experience and want to help build something long term. A DK/DH/Warrior would be ideal and any ranged, but as usual WHO you are is more important. You need to have the patience to put effort in now for longer term results - we are not promising instant results and are not in a rush here. This is how we have survived for 14 years!
The Small Print!
Choosing a Guild in wow should be a well considered decision. Choosing people to JOIN our Guild is also something we take seriously. So this post is lengthy so we can set out our stall and not waste your time or ours recruiting the wrong people. If you can’t be assed to read it… no worries - it IS small print
In thinking about what is important when choosing a Guild we have this to offer:
- Well estabished:
We have been around for 14 years, we aren’t going anywhere. So you can be sure of joining a well established Guild. We are still here after the pain of WoD and SL, hitting things with sticks till they fall over.
- Well Organised:
People who join us often comment that they have never been in as well organised and structred a guild. This is kinda important to us. We tend to think that a relaxed fun atmosphere and end-game progression go hand in hand when there is a clear structure behind it and we pride ourselves on being fair. We DO start on time, we DON’T overrun and I MAY make you run round SW naked shouting SORRY if you let me down last min. Live with it.
- Great Atmosphere:
We recognize that this is a game, people have busy lives outside it - so the time we spend here together should be as stress free as possible, should avoid Guild Drama, should give everyone in the guild an opportunity to progress and make friends. I say ‘busy’ rather than ‘real’ lives because here at DR we make real friends, we meet up in ‘real’ life, so for us WoW, although a ‘game’ and not put before our day-to-day lives outside the guild, is a part of our real lives. This spills over into the way we behave with each other. We are not faceless fingers behind a computer screen, so we show each other respect and take an interest in each other. At the same time, we are not a therapeutic community, our Officers are not psychologists, so we also don’t encourage needy, attention-seeking ‘Special Little Snowflakes’. We are just a bunch of well adjusted, mature - lovely people that enjoy playing WoW enormously.
Our ages range between 20 and 50+ and we have members from all over the EU. Our younger players are mature for their age, and our old timers can still shake their stuff! Banter is important, respectful behaviour is a given.
We don’t have a member list of hundred’s and we do like to know everyone in the guild, not have people sign on and be ignored because no-one knows who they are. In order to do this, we keep our recruitment and therefore member roster small.
We have Raider of The Month celebrations which are based on attendance where you can be awarded things like getting PI for all farm fights, or having one of the tanks assist you for an hour doing WHATEVER content you choose, or having someone sing to/praise/abuse you in raids and other pretty impressive, valuable, must have rewards!
- Personal Responsibility within a team:
We have spoken a lot about the community here at DR and how important Team is to us. We do not kill bosses as individuals. Being part of a team means doing stuff together outside of raids as well as in them. We provide the best environment we can for our raiders, but we are also all adults. Personal responsibility is an expectation - you guys create the atmosphere, the progress, the community.
So what are we looking for?
We want people with a can-do mentality who want to play the game!! People who are looking for a very well organised and structured Guild that revolves not only around its raid progress, but creating a great community to achieve that in.
We raid: (7.45pm for invites, Boss pull @8pm) All times are Server Time.
Wednesday 7.45 -11.00
Sunday 7.45 -11.00
So, if you managed to get to the end of this and would like to apply… you can shoot me a bnet invite on #Ellz#21767 or Discord on Ellz3749
Thanks for your time!