Hey everyone,
We’re a group of 3 friends looking for a new home on Ravencrest (A). We are an MM hunter (203), Shadow Priest (204) and a Holy Priest (199). We’re currently 7/10H.
Our available days for raiding are: Mon, Wed, Saturday (anytimes). We also enjoying running M+.
We’re looking for a guild with strong leadership and we in turn will strive to give you high attendance, coming fully prepared.
We’re a newly formed guild looking to bolster our ranks particularly with ranged DPS, we have a solid healing team without any open spots but if there was a possibility of two Shadow Priests from you guys we could be well suited to your needs. Our raid days are Wednesday/Thursday 9-12pm Server time.
The guild is founded by previous Heroic and Mythic raiders who aim to provide a focused raiding experience but also an enjoyable one. Check out our forum post here for more information if you think we could be the place for you; New 2 Day Raiding Guild - Alliance - Ravencrest - #3 by Deceptive-kul-tiras
Hey thanks, but I’d rather stay in my healer position. Also Thursdays do not work for us, good luck though