Queen Azshara used the arcane to enhance her already legendary beauty. Would it be too far-fetched for my character to use the arcane to enhance her appearance as well?
I guess you could use illusions? I’ve seen that being done and I personally find nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind someone could dispell the illusions or see through them, though!
Most overused spell is projection I mean look at Azshara or any other skilled mage or Lich king or…I don’t know. You should get this spell too. So alter your beauty and project yourself over the world, don’t forget to laugh and speak in cool tone like “There you are my little subjects…” or whatever.
It’s a sort of grey area of “is she so beautiful it seems like magic, or is she using a charm spell”
Actually this should be more like, cause how do you actually alter your beauty by a spell without looking like someone else or without deforming your appearance to a noticeable extent?
Another option is to remove certain imperfections with help of magic. Much like modern surgery.
Beauty is subjective so you’d necessarily be operating on an individual level of deception via mind manipulation. Mere illusions won’t do.
Depends on what you want to do with it.
If it’s just something you want to put in your TRP to reinforce just how attractive she is, don’t bother. Describe how she looks like objectively. That’s far more appreciated than the same old, usual “beautiful, even by elven standards” that we’ve all read oh so many times.
But instead if you have a very specific reason/goal that you plan on using and/or expanding upon in RP plus you can make up for it with a good and reasonable flaw, then why not. If you’re confident it can be interesting to interact with.
I would say it’s possible.
That’s a good idea but, imagine someone is suspicious of you because of those illusions and when its dispelled, you are only “slightly less attractive” than before. A bit anti-climactic. It would be better if the character was horrendous looking.
That’s close to what I did. This priestess has strong opinions about presentation and body image, she “removes” if any scratch is left on her skin and mends it instead to stay scarless and spotless as possible to protect the perfection of herself.
This is also plausible, but I don’t know if mind-control effects could be counted as arcane? (correct me if I am wrong) As far as I notice, the school of enchanting is the most different one in WoW than what it is on DnD, and charm-like effects and mind control spells spread on priests to succubi and other classes/creatures. (Also people are less likely to accept being mind-altered than any other physical injury/effect, which is understandable. If they wanna play an extremely picky elf that will not be charmed that easily by any woman/man, let them play that.)
With all these possible options in mind, in the end, it comes to your choice of words OP. I doubt anyone would disagree that if you want to describe your character as "her skin an unnatural glittering shine, while her hair always flutters like there is a constant nice breeze of spring present and her elegant walk is a head-turned in the streets, almost feels like she is gliding on air with ease " or in a similar way and justify it with magic. As long as your RP is convincing.
I don’t think it would be too hard or unusual, really.
We know that glamours and illusions exist - demons can make such convicing illusions that they could wander around dalaran looking like a regular dude.
Given that your character is an elf, who are magnificently arrogant in every aspect of life and highly magically trained generally - why wouldn’t she use a little spell to make her look just that little bit more how she wants? It has never been described as particularly difficult magic in comparison to other things and heck…
In Silvermoon even the brooms were enchanted. Putting an illusion on in the morning might be the Magistrixial equivalent of doing your makeup before work.
This is true. Enchantment as mind influencing effects rather than making your sword chilly and all that. I wouldn’t say that cosmetic sorcery of sorts is unreasonable and the blood elves and nightborne especially would probably enchant their makeup not to get runny and other such subtle measures in their magic drenched cultures.
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