I dunno. From what i’ve heard the life long arcane players don’t like it. Majority of mage players don’t like it. Personally, I never had such a hard time picking up a spec. Im not a fan of set in stone rotations and while there is some wiggle room around it, its radiant spark that I dislike. I think thats what makes its all so rigid.
Maybe if they reduced the count on it to make it faster the rotation would feel better instead of just doing filler spells to get up to the big barrage. Also I’ve had my spark debuff run out when I’ve had to cancel an AB, those casts are slow!
Yes i did try it.
And i think it’s too complex for it’s own good, and not in a good way. And not using rune isn’t an option.
The rotation is not just complex but also unintuitive, there is too much setup for damage, which makes a single mistake very punishing, and it’s very easy to make a mistake.
Sure if i tried around many more times i would eventually get it completely right, but do i want to do that? Just to play a spec that i don’t even like that much?
Do you also remember the time when barrage was the real big hitter without 300-400% dmg increase through all 4-5 temporary modificators and 30k wet-noodle out of them?
Honestly, i would re design arcane in some ways without changing it too much.
I would change echo to mirror a % of the damage you dealt, to the target, so it’s not just about arcane missiles during touch, and nether tempest won’t be necessary anymore, which is also making the rotation excessively convoluted.
Rune needs to go, and not just for arcane, it has been here for far too long, and far too few people like it for good reasons, but people who like it continue to tell themselves that the people who don’t purely do so because they can’t play with it, believe what you want if that’s the case, sadly you’re mistaken, spark is pretty bad too, and makes the rotation excessively static.
I would just keep surge, touch of the magi, and maybe harmony, that’s it.
And i would return to a more legion style arcane mage, with arcane explosion aoe burn.
This way you could have a choice between cleave with touch, or full aoe with explosion, without having to find a target with high enough health to cleave off from if there is none. Because it’s a really big issue for arcane and it feels awful.
That is quite obvious if you change a 2-3 button spec into what Arcane is now.
The players playing Arcane for so long liked it for bieing a simple 2-3 button spec.
Radiant Spark needs +5 seconds on it’s buff window, so you get some leeway to do mechanics/fire bad stuff without it expiring, for sure.
Players are disliking RoP for the issue’s you describe but it’s actually Spark that does it…
It already is right now though.
3+ targets you are Arcane Explosioning instead off Blasting…
No no, i meant, literally aoe burn phase.
In legion arcane explosion used to scale with arcane charges, and it also granted charges on use.
I changed my AOE burn phase different then the guides tell me because I don’t do blasts there,
I use Spark > Talon > Explosion > Barr > Orb > Barr > Totm > NT.
It works wonders and I never have to stand still there. Arcane has enough leeway to play a little bit around with builds and playstyle, not too much though.
I am quite happy Explosion doesn’t scale with Charges or we’d be oom permanently…
However, Explosion still creates charges so that’s nice to do 4x Expl into a Barrage (or use Missiles with CC stacks if you preffer Harmony).
It worked just about perfectly in legion.
Just go look a video.
I hate about everything Legion brought into this game.
Preffer to have MoP balancing if I have to chose anything…
Then you’re not being objective.
This is the problem with arguments, it becomes about winning the argument rather than being objective.
Neither are you if you preffer Legion though .
That is why discussions are a thing, everyone has their opinion and prefferance.
Discussions are there to find a middlegrounded solution
That doesn’t even make sense.
You’re the one telling that basically everything that came out of legion was garbage, and i am saying, you are not being objective.
This is effectively you trying to retort the argument on me, but no, it doesn’t work.
I’m not saying they should copy paste legion arcane, but i am saying they should take a few things back from that design.
Subjective Argument:
Arcane needs to change according to reasons X Y Z.
After our little chat we concluded into Arcane Explosion.
You: Legion was perfect.
Me: MoP was better.
That is what I ment ^^.
Let’s leave it at this, it doesn’t matter anyway.
All right, you clearly did not get it. Moving on…
I think i made a pretty compelling argument on why the current design is way too convoluted for it’s own good, and i said that returning to a more legion like arcane would better.
I didn’t say they should remove everything about the current design, but that it does require some redesign. In order to make it less of a bother to play with.
no, Rune of power looks cool. I dont want it to be removed.
You dont represent me.
Rune of power is a terrible ability.
Rune of Power is not the reason why arcane is awful. RoP is a great dmg buff if you use it properly. Don’t use it when you know you have to move. Most of the times when you pop your cds you can wiggle around enough to stay in range.
It is called timing the CDs. However, an average player uses CDs when they are ready and not fishing for the movement phase. Besides in DF mythic plus dungeons, there are tons of these movement phases. Even if you are very good there will be unlucky situations when you lose your 40% ROP buff.
It is actually not called that. It is actually called preemtive thinking. But it does not matter. They should buff incanters instead of removing RoP.
They can do both.