Arcane Mage Joke Spec is broken

0 damage, squishy as …, no stun, terrible def cds, useless cc spells everything feels like a waste of time before you die to easy vs every other class in the game.

yeah spellsteal is nice but wow nice work

Blizzard doesn’t like Mages. The only classes that always get all the attention are: Druids, Warlocks, Hunters, Warri… Let’s say everything except Shamans and Mages.

Arcane is by no means bad, but it has a massive curve for the average player.

Skill issue.

Arcane has great burst. And just as good CC/def as the other specs.

right, thats why mages are generally always top specs in PVE and PVP for 20 years straight.

You have all your deff mechanics in arcane spec, so if you got silence while casting arcane spell then only think you can do is frost nova.

Frost nova, ice nova, frostbolt, dragons breath, blast wave, fire blast

Don’t forget ring of frost, ring of fire and cone of cold!

And it burned burned burned, the ring of fire

Arcane Surge hits you for 2285, that’s one shot in pvp. Never seen anything else hit me with so much damage.
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are we seriosuly taking screenshots of low level twinker bracket ? at max level surge does 150k out of 1 mil with 2 seconds cast, and thats on 0 versa

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