So recently I came back to wow after a long break, tryd out arc mage, played the story for tww, did a lot of questing and finally decided that I wanted to go and raid (mind you this is like 2 months ago.)
I’m not the best player in the world and need alot of replaying the same content/raid to understand my class and rotation! U can say I’m a semi casual.
So I joined this verry friendly guild. Did the raid a couple of times, got some upgrades and started to feel the rotation for arc mage better and better. (This is with meta talents for Sunfury)
At the end of last week i finally feld good about my class rotation i was topping the dps meters in my guild/raids and then this new patch comes out…
Damn they did us dirty I can’t even play spelslinger is a boring 1 button baiting ab rotation. damg is nerfed into oblivion that I’m barely above the tanks with DPS.
I can’t even be arsed anymore to look for upgrades because they changed Priority stats mid season who does this?
So I’m basically back to square one here but not having fun.
They need to do a full 180 degrees on this matter otherwise alot of mage players are gonna fall of.