does this reduction part actually works as it supposed?
i mean, i have a fully completed troll race and still getting troll (and fossil) mostly when i need dwarf and nelf.
I just realized that the cataclysm was not caused by Deathwing, but by us. We are stripping Azeroth looking for loots.
I think I understand why the players left in a cataclysm in 2011, they didn’t even get to play the expansion. Blizzard killed them in the pre-patch with these nonsense.
100% it works. Dwarf have been a major presence in arch since it started
I completed the staff yesterday then completed the rest of dwarf solves when the hotfix came in. I still need the 2h sword which is what im invested in, so spent about 12 hours today carrying on with ek and fossil digsites are super prevailent, because of a typical blizzard oversight troll dig sites are way less.
Dwarf sites do pop up but they are severely reduced since completing the faction, nelf pop up about the same but dont have them completed and nerubian even less, but had them completed.
at my worst hour today, I had about 15 fossil digs in a row without getting a single troll site.
It shouldnt be like this.
okay, then i’m just unlucky in general (atm i have 3 troll/1 fossil digsites up, while i have troll finished long time ago)
ohh that so shiet i have 3/4 and 4/4 fossil on map when i need obly pet from 525…its too cringe
KAIVAX got me digging
idk legendaries for literally free in 8 hours of gameplay but i have been 100+ hours for a prebis and here i am
1000Total Solves…
405Troll Solves
236Dwarf Solves.
I’ve still not seen staff or 2h weapon, and we still get ALOT of fossil digsites even tho we can’t get the 525pet, can you please fix the pet.
I haven’t showered in a week, do something about the droprate
It took me a lot to convince my friends to play cata again and after this magnificent pre-patch in which the original events are not there, there are countless bugs and the only new thing you can do, which is archeology, has such important buggd.
Is it so difficult for Blizzard to listen to its players, its customers?
Of course, for those who have not paid the subscription they activate it for free and put mounts and toys in the store, which is what is billed.
Good luck, it could have been nice but all my friends are gone and it doesn’t make sense anymore.
yeah most of my friends gave up even before the game releases now just because of bad luck for a pre bis weapon. kinda sad that they are not even communicating with us
Yea where tha hell is bs rng protection it’s like one hand bandit where u toss coins and wish to get 3 citrines on the stupid screen. FIX it tha hell or give me access to your jump host and i will fix that spagethi code for ya for free easy clap
Not far from jumping through my window…
300+ troll solves, 200+ dwarf solves, 150+ fossils…
Result: no shield, no staff, no sword…
Depression is at the end of the tunnel. Blizzard, do something for this bad luck…
yeah im on 930 solves no, nothing…
saw a streamer yesterday, he had 2.3k solves with no epics. thats just absurd
ouch, that sucks… i got the cloth chest/mail helm/shield/2h sword, all of the toys. (compared to that streamer, i’m “lucky”) and i can’t even use any of them, i don’t have alts what i’m actually playing. so basically those epics will collect dust on my bank alt. while the two epics what i could actually use on my character just won’t drop . i’d happily trade everything for the staff if it wasn’t account bound…
Please Add bad luck protection, 760 total solves, 300 dwarf still no staff.
any update? i’m doing this on 2 accounts, 2000+ total solves, no trinket/sword/staff
Blizzard please give us a BAD LUCK PROTECTION system, it doesn’t make sense to lock pre-raid BiS items behind this badly designed RNG system. #somechanges
We also double-checked on the Pterrordax Hatchling and found it waiting as intended in Fossil Digsites at Archaeology skill level 525.
Yup. It’s because you know ppl nowadays have a minmax-mindset so with denying more efficient digsite spawning you artificially inflate / increase your player retention data so you have bigger numbers to show for investors / shareholders. All about money baby. Always has been, always will.