Has this received a stealth buff recently? I can’t find any info on anything but after 1000s of solves each in pre patch, finally got a trinket and a guildy got zinrokh after a few solves after we hit 85, find it hard to believe that it’s just a coincidence after throwing weeks at this trash profession.
after 1000th?? i think thats just expected.
No stealth buff as of yet. I think both of yous got lucky. Well deserved for putting in 1000s solves. Hope your luck stays good!
In the last 24 hours we have 2 more zin rokhs and a trinket. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Somehow getting rained on with epics now with 4 people in guild doing arch actively than when we had 30+ people doing it, just doesn’t add up.
I just got Zin Rok too lol. I don’t think its been buffed still as they usually make a forum post about stuff like this.
I guess we both got pretty lucky.
There’s definitely something going on, my guild got 4 Zin’Rokh just today. Plus a lot of other items like ring and staff
same man, jus been raining epics on the guild here, rings, staff, zinnys, trinkets
oh no why did I read this… here we go again
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