Archaeology unreachable dig sites

Hello !

How can we reset Digsite ?

Since Wednesday, i have 2 digsite in twilight Highlands … And Ye ! we can’t go there …

Will blizz fix it ? will blizz reset zone at a moment ???

Same problem, make a ticket and hopefully if blizzard gets enough tickets about this they will reset all dig sites for everybody or something.

Plenty of topics about this already. There are tons of people (me included) with archaeology dig sites stuck in “Cataclysm only” zones; which are unreachable at this moment.
Fix it already. This prepatch feels like it was in “alpha” stage before being released with how many bugs there are.

So why create another one? :wink:

its actualy so hard to make a ticket, i cant find where i can do it…

Because it’s not getting fixed :wink: made a ticket for it as well. I want to make Blizzard not hiring GMs their problem, not ours.

Hey all,

I’m afraid that this isn’t something a game master could fix, so making a ticket will not resolve this issue.

While it’s technically and most likely working as intended for now (the prepatch was released, and the expansion will be live soon), please do report a bug to our developers, and they will be able to investigate about a possible solution.

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