Ardenweald 9.1. spoilers

Yes Brynja my girl !!!

Dear almighty whoever might still be looking at this train wreck of lore…

Worst thing is that I can’t see any explanation as to why Brynja is back. She’s just… there again. Sigh.


Well, the Val’kyr are agents of the Jailer so where else should they go after dying but back to the Maw? Makes perfect sense to me.

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After the “twist” in the Sylvanas story during Cataclysm, the only part that was still interesting to me was about val’kyrs.

There were hints that their goals might not be the same as those of Sylvanas. That where Sylvanas demanded raising undead, they would give a choice to the raised if they could. That there is a whole story behind the events, with vrykul, Lich King, their destiny, and so on. On top of that during the 2019 blizzcon there was a statement that Sylvanas does not need them anymore. Which could’ve been a potential step forward in this chapter.

But no. They are still together. The last is not the last one, but the first to delve into the Maw powers, undermining the former hints that they did not make the choice in what happened to them.

No continuation. No capitalizing on their knowledge of the scourge. No Genn-Eyir follow-up. Nothing about the forsaken. Nothing about Calia (who is a Menethil above all else in this scenario).

I am not angry, just disappointed.

gl hf


It was not clear without a cutscene will Sylvanase take another key or not. But it was actually Anduin who took Ardenweald key, while Sylvanas was used only for a maneuver.

I have a bad feeling that Arthas will be dragged out soon™ and will be used as a yet another pro-Anduin boost.

gl hf

At least we know now that:

That it was Helya the one who have raised back to live those Sylvanas Val’kyrs. At least some explanation.


night elves always been losers so what else is new? also i think night elves need new leader, that Jarod guy is pretty cool :stuck_out_tongue:

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They are strongest race in wow and because of human vs orc potential nonsense blizzard do not want portray them as superior to those two races.

Maybe if night elves could make their own faction once again and fight for “good” in Azeroth rather then stupid orc vs human wars and support alliance sometimes, maybe Taurens if they need help.

Tyrande is good leader and will remain as Kaldorei leader with Malfurion.


Always wondered what gave people this idea, or what made them think such beyond simple bias of favouritism (nothing wrong with either, but some try and spell it as facts)

And I’m genuinely curious.

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They live for thousands of years, possess one of the wisest and strongest warriors and they have demi gods, ancients, nature Gods in their ranks. Also they have Elune on their side too.

How did Night Elves go from this race of absolutely feral killing machines that could hold off basically everyone, in WCIII, literally went toe to toe alone against the Burning Legion, having the most powerful and badass heroes in Warcraft lore Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan to basically just being a borderline joke in WoW who can’t even hold off a single Orc clan chopping down their forests, their heroes all become astonishingly completely useless with Tyrande, being the sole avatar of the actual only omnipotent all powerful god in Warcraft, who in WCIII and Warcraft lore probably one of the most powerful and dangerous warriors in existence who lets be real, who could probably kill half the entire population of the horde without even breaking a sweat with her bare hands going to basically being a completely useless damsel, and Malfurion, like, the most powerful character alive on Azeroth, basically a walking god of nature, literally getting one shot with an axe. Somebody should have told Archimonde that to beat Malfurion all he needed was a single orc. Now the Night Elves get genocided borderline without even a fight? What?

Not only in power have the Night Elves been nerfed to just oblivion, but in presentation as well, what happened to all the cool concepts like Male Night Elves not speaking with words but through Telepathy? What happened to their feralness? The fact that Nightelves all have a powerful spirit animal?

Also just beyond that, Night Elves are among the most under-developed races in WoW, while in Vanilla there is a lot of storylines based around in the Night Elves and the obvious lead-up and lead into a Emerald Dream/Hyjal expansion, these plot lines were basically just later dropped and or half-assed tied up when the Emerald Dream expansion got put on the backburner indefinitely.

As a Night Elf player from WCIII, it really annoys me the massive missed potential and how lame Night Elves have become compared their WCIII lore. Hopefully with the nuking of Teldrassil, Blizzard can hit the reset button on Night Elves and fix the race to something that actually resembles the unique feral Elven badass race that was presented in WCIII.

This goes back to the old problem that Night Elves should have never been an Alliance race to begin with and their WCIII selves never really fit with the Alliance.

Back in the mid 2000s there was a strong argument among WoW’s fanbase that NE’s should have been a third faction along with Furbolgs and some Tauren.


Barring their longevity, trolls tick on most of said boxes.
Barring the Nature aspects of their magic, Draenei tick on most of said boxes.

Neither longevity nor Natural bonding, are in any way defining of a races “power”. Both can be either countered or even end up as counterproductive.

And the races I mentioned above offer different stuff that the Night elves lack on a military level (guessing that’s the angle you are going for with the power-level comparison).

They may have had an edge in the past due to their monopoly over the single most powerful magical site on the planet, but several other races have developed ways to counter or match said sort of strength.

We’ve had examples aplenty regarding how the Night elves can indeed be bested in a number of ways.
Enough to doubt whether they can indeed be considered the “strongest”.


This is blatantly false by the way.


They are strongest but blizzard can’t show that power ingame…so other races would feel “bad” and “unworthy”.

This thread went places.

Not any good ones either.

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Yea, thanks to our cousins. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If they were the strongest, they wouldn’t be struggling against other races the way they are.

“They are strongest regardless of what canon story development says”, isn’t really all that different from declaring that they are stronger because your headcanon says they are.
And as an argument, it really isn’t all that worthy.

Regardless of how hard people try to equate them with elves of other franchises like Lord of the Rings or Warhammer, they are definitely not on the same level as them.

And that doesn’t make their story worse. That doesn’t even mean they are weak.

no way, draenei are strongest race in wow, compared to draenei night elves are tree monkeys, last 10k year stagnation is tyrande and furions fault,if it werent for illidan night elves would ve died out during wc3, night elves were once great, now they are just homeless powerless bums in streets of SW


Tyrande in new cinematic fragment:

Very awesome. New WoW class confirmed?

Update: she also now in here, in those cut pieces.


That look is amazing!

I hope night elves will get that look as their heritage? Because after all we are called “Children of the Stars”?


I think they are at the same place. Honestly both lost their homes, both are ancient races. Kaldorei lost their touch to magic but backed up by druidism and wild gods.

Draenei lost a whole WORLD, noone can guess how much of their technology and ancient knowledge must have been lost. Only naaru tech they have are legit the remnants of a crashed ship.