Ardenweald 9.1. spoilers

  1. Sylvanas and the Maw attacks on Ardenweald.
  2. In the last battle Sylvanas her self holds the portals.
  3. Tyrande appears and it seams that managed to close the portals, but being defeated by Sylvanas.
  4. Sylvanas and the forces of the Maw managed to destroy the Heart of the Forests, and managed to take another key for Jailor.

Ysera have seen in her dreams, that Tyrande will save the Ardenweald. Even being defeated by Sylvanas, Tyrande managed to survive. Knowing how hard Blizzard hates Night Elves, I will say that this is still a win for fans. She will live to see another patch at least!

P.S. Another win of the “God Of War” Sylvanas…
Jailor now have 2 keys!


So the resolution for Teldrassil so far has been the obliteration of the Night Elf souls, the destruction of Ardenweald, Sylvanas defeating and humiliating Tyrande and soon also Sylvanas redemption?

I feel scammed from this expansion.


Hold your Nightsabers…

Per the US forums, these are the only things that have been “confirmed” as of the PTR right now:

Don’t jump on too many conclusions just yet, and I say that knowing too well that I am basically saying “wait and see”. It’s the first PTR build, folks…


Where do I join the mawsworn?


Why does this remind me of the fanatical crazies claiming the reveal of the Undead Night Elf woman was going to delete Night Elves as a race forever?

The doomsaying is strong in this one.


Yay! Cant keep good girl down.


Don’t tell me you actually purchased it …



You was right.

Now when we know that there is Evil Sylvanas soul, and Good Sylvanas soul, and Vereesa tries to save Good Sylvanas from Jailor, we can say with 100% that Sylvanas will actually get redemption.
Its already started. We will just going to beat up “bad” soul part, then reunite 2 souls. And that is it, we should forget about Teldrassil.

…wans’t that supposed to be a book of fairy tales? A little bit of harmless world building? Why the heck did they have to pollute even something innocuous like that with their horrible, horrible plot?

sigh I was actually mildly optimistic about this particular book and its potential RP uses. I mean, I expected some way too modern morality tales with random female empowerment messages and anti-racist messaging, sure, but not the frickin’ Windrunner sisters and the Jailer no one cares about.


Some people speculated that since the Teldrassil cinematic. If you look closely, there might be a sequence that is trying to show just that, right when Arthas kills and raises her as banshee.

I might be imagining things, but that’s what it looks like.

Then again, maybe it was a plot thought well after that cinematic came out, although I doubt that they would put Sylvanas in such a nasty situation without an escape.

Is it just me, or is that short story just a way to try and keep the High Elves relevant?

So, after losing Night Warrior powers Tyrande eyes are back to normal:

I wonder regarding others? Should everyone now set their eyes back to silver/blue/orange ?

Absolutely awful.

I have already changed all eyes of all my alts to silver today. :imp:

She’s not losing the powers, tho, and her eyes aren’t back to normal. They’re a very vivid blue, rather than the previous black.

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Her eyes are back to the ones she had in her previous, Cataclysm model.

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Might be, but she still did not loose her Night Warrior powers. Read the link I posted.

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this should not be a suprice, she was pretty much killed buy Arthas, so her soul splitting up in to a good and bad side seems to be the thing.

Those powers were meant nothing anyways.

I mean, what was the difference between Tyrande using starfall to kill lots of undead in War3, and using the “hurr durr Elune Vengeance” to kill some undead in BfA. She AND Malfurion, the most powerful mortals on Azeroth were struggling to kill one val’kyr.


That single Valkyr that was killed by Tyrande, is alive again.
Blizzard told that Tyrande had her revenge on Darkshores. But Blizzard took even that away… :man_facepalming: