Are 40 man premades not better than the random groups?

Yesterday I faced a 40 man queued group led by I think restoshaman (?) dwarf (?) while playing with randoms. After a fair opening fight and a hard battle it turned out the random group that I was a part of was actually more skilled than the premade group. This resulted in a clear tactical victory through solid teamwork and effort.

So this made me think, why do people bother with all the effort of queue syncing and dodging, organizing etc. - only to lose to random groups? I don’t understand!

Let me know your thoughts guys! Anyone else had a similar experience? :slight_smile:

In theory premade syncing has an advantage of all 40 players listening to lets say, map directives and other things.

In practice, if you get a random group of 39 other gladiators in queue and they’re not amused with premades they’re going to be really pissed off.

I still don’t think they should do the whole roundabout way of syncing tho and that there should be better ways to deal with it hmhm. Last I heard they’re using an addon and another hidden addon behind that to sync/dodge?


I really wonder who that could be :face_with_monocle:

Not gonna defend that guy but he isnt syncing with 40 ppl,5 > 10 > 15 and perhaps if enough ppl on 20 + ppl who didnt get a spot and sync their solo queue via the stream.
Do you have a scoreboard Screenshot maybe? I wanna know which mighty Horde random Players defeated him :smiley_cat:
Gj nevertheless tho hopefully it boosted the moral/mentality of some Players a little bit <3

yes, then the next 10 bgs this doesn’t happen back to square one x)

kinda like snow in august, it happened, once or twice, wouldn’t count on it to go ski

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I know thats why i asked for a screenshot so i could have told him how random his team actually was :smiley_cat:

We beat Zxnie one night too,everybody was happy to have won for once against him ignoring the Fact that he had barely anyone from the mainsquad with him.

Happy for the people who still have their pink glasses tho enjoy it while it lasts.

I’ve also managed to defeat Larkus a few times in the past when he had few players with him.

Sync premades don’t win because they are brilliant tacticians or anything of the sort.
They just stack a ton of strong dps and healers into their group which means that they are always stronger in the fight than a random team.
In addition to that, they always have a critical mass of players who will obey every instruction the raid leader gives. Random teams are less disciplined.

Even the most mediocre player can become a big shot premade leader if they only abuse sync premades enough. 1.5 rated xp and 99% win rate in epic bgs are a common sight among sync players and -leaders

Every now and then a sync leader joins with only one group or “only” two groups
and you can defeat them, when you happen to have strong players in your team and the opponents happen to have all the weak random players.

And don’t forget about the psychological effect of sync premades.
Some crybabies in your team will immediately say “-insert premade leader name here- premade, looose” which is completely useless and demoralizes their own team.


Yeah and at the end of the day you dont have a choice,either join them or quit the game its that simple. Most “solo” Puggers joined him why ? Cuz Horde has enough small Boomkin hunter healwall Premades making the game impossible to win with the average Pug Team.

Only ray of hope was drx hijacking a couple of these groups so you actually could play some normal rounds. And it shows that now without him you get your entire Queue Session killed off again.

What bothers me the most that its not even the Hordetrolls going out of their way to snipe him and troll him with mercing,but his own kind reporting him. God beware People get some sort of feedback as too why they are losing.

Yes and how is this possible if they managed to bully everyone that could somehow carry their weight out of the Queue?

I like to read that since i had the delusion of thinking its just a bad day when i face Z 5 times in a row and some Hours later 6 times in a row. Turns out it isnt.

Its also probably a warning to all the Gearcorpses that theres no one who can help them and opening up games for the Horde Groups despite losing 100% is a waste of time.

This 50% more Honor week was just premade-ridden at every single time of the day. I played maybe 4 Bgs per day that weren’t pre-rigged and lost 3/4 of them anyway.
As a healer you’re just a doormat that opens up a map for people who afk leech nothing else.

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That’s not my experience at all when playing for the alliance. When you queue into a Zenie premade you are most likely screwed, everything else is very much winnable in an alliance pug.

On average, the mentality of the average alliance team is probably worse. I just joined a round of IoC as horde, the same you were in. Just joined when the Alliance won the fight for Hangar and also had WS as a group of 3 players when many of the horde team left. We killed all the enemy demos and the siege engine, capped workshop, pushed Hangar with demos and won the round.

After losing Hangar, the alliance did nothing to stop us.
I sensed no initiative from them, they tried nothing. They just laid down and surrendered mentally.

There are still a lot of strong epic bg regulars around who are not yet with the sync communities.

Wait a bit for them to find a new lobby to ruin when you get out of a game with them. If you queue again right after they have just finished a game, you will end up with them in a lobby again. A 5-7 minute break is probably enough for them to find another game.