Are legendary items account-wide

Greetings everyone,

as the topic says: “Are legendary items acc-wide”?
I ain’t sure if this question is repeatable, but I want to be sure, if I move to other realm that am gonna be able to use “Thunderfury”, 'cause recently I started farming it.



As transmog? Yes. I only have Thunderfury on my Mage yet I can mogged it on my Monk, similairly I have the original Sulfuras on my Warrior and mogged it on my Druid.

Can’t transfer them.

Yes, as transmog. My question was unclear, I am sorry.

So if I in meantime farm Thunderfury on my realm and then I transfer my character to other realm, am I still gonna be able to use it as Transmog on other realm?

You’ll even be able to use it on the other realm even if you don’t transfer the character over.

Once you acquire it, you’re good to go, you wont lose it. :slight_smile:

As long as your character can use it, i will “learn” the skin and after any char which can use it, able to tmog it. Unless its locked by class restriction (some cases).

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