So, since season 2 started this week, I thought I’d start off easy by gearing up with Champion level gear from M0 before going into M+ for score, and also to learn the TWW dungeons since I haven’t really done them at all this xpac. As of writing this, I just spent nearly 2 hours of my time doing M0’s, and all I managed to get done was one run of Priory of the Sacred Flame with many many failed runs and disbanded groups beforehand! I know that the “difficulty” of the dungeons isn’t just down to Blizzard’s tuning and also depends on things like group composition, ilvl, and knowledge of mechanics, but it certainly does feel like they’re a bit overtuned. How come an M0 like Priory is so utterly hard to complete when it’s meant to be the gateway to M+? If my experience is anything to go by, I don’t even dare to touch Priory on M+ after this, let alone any other dungeons, it’s truly disheartening; and I just find that very strange given all of Blizzard’s talk about how easy and accessible they’re making M+ this season. It’s not accessible at all if this is what it’s like. Besides, not only did I spend so long just to finish one M0 run, I didn’t even get any loot from it, which makes it all the more pointless and frustrating. I don’t mind a bit of a challenge, I’m not saying they should make M0 the easiest thing in the world; but wasting so much of the player’s time just to not even get anything out of it feels far from what I’d consider fair and challenging, it’s just frustrating and annoying. And don’t even get me started on the bugs encountered along the way. Thoughts?
This is the new dichotomy of WW. Either you’re a casual farming delves either you’re a sweat doing M+
Heroics are facerolled and M0/M2 are like a gap of 10key lvl equivalent so it’s basically impossible to learn dungeons at a slow pace like you could before.
you are doing this wrong. and yeah tunign is garbage - just like it was in s1
what you should be doing is farming world content and dvelves to gear up in like 630+ before even stepping into m0
sure you can go in there even with 610 - but you will have horrible time
remeber that hc dungeons are dropping 622 itlv and crests .
people just cannot adapt to the idiotic compelte total resets of gear each time
my advise ? do dvelves +9-11 for next 2 months - then when .5 patch lands with corruption 2.0 gear get that and only then start pushing m+ .
doing them now is just compelte waste of time with dvelves dropping both runed and gilded crests from much much much much easier diifficulty - +9 dvelve is easier then m0 and drops both runed and gilded crests + champions gear from bountiful .
Does not seem like it, they are waaay easier than last season. People already time multiple dungeons on +13. Last season +13 was super hard even at the end lol. Also getting Champion gear from M0 is huge cause it goes as high as 658 ilvl.
not “people”
mythic tryhards.
yes those thrive.
while everyone else is hard gated at +2.
source ? the nerfs blizzard just implemented.
Haven’t done many keys yet but from what i can see from guilds and other forums, S2 so far is easier than the start of S1 by far. Did a +8 and it did not feel like how 8s were in S1.
But time will tell. One season people complain about it being too easy and another season its too hard.
it is mostly easierbecause we dont start undergeared.
at the end of the season i was 637 ilvl and in a +7 642 or something drops
so right now i am doing +7 and there are some decent healing checks but nothing too difficult.
in s1 at a similar gear level it wasnt much harder
I feel like we are lower ilvl than previous season week 1 since we had a about 17 coffer keys in the week before M+ opened. So we had a lot of 603 gear that was upgradable. We definitely were higher ilvl comparable than we are now.
I am now 642 (no tier, crap trinkets, crap stats), timed up to +9 and finished +10. The season seems easier.
My hate for Floodgate is already there though (no matter the keylevel).
Nah they are not overtuned, quite the opposite.
Blizzard even nerfed M+ Tuning per Key Level going into this Season.
I do think +2 is a bit to hard for an entry level dungeon. Had runs with 20-30 deaths, it’s not a way to introduce new players a one of the core endgame systems.
People comming into +2 are not prepared at all, they rarely interupt, etc.
A good honorable mention is Bone spikes in ToP ghosts area. Caster mobs that spam 2 or 3s cast that hit for 60% of player health on a +2 is a bit overkill.
I understand it is +10 of old system, but back then new players would rarely start playing in m+ from +10.
Nah, m+ is just full of crappy dps players these days who don’t do any damage or mechanics. You would climb very, very easily as tank or heal if dps was any good. So funny to watch them die 10 times on 1st pull Rookery from the orbs lol.