Are new raid bosses too complicated?

Same on Denathrius, I hate it as well

Lunge, sinseeker, lunge, sinseeker
It is terrible. So many mechanics asigned after each other. Huntsman is crazy and not adapting to smaller groups.

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idk about mythic denathrius cause we’re still progressing wonderful stone legion generals but yeah we had to stop dpsing during p1 on heroic and it was months ago so I can only assume you go full afk throughout p1 with current ilvls


dont think they are too complicated for the most part, but some are obviously not fun at all but thats how it is in every tier (like council or stone legion)

I think it depends on the player.

It doesn’t stand to reason that if you love raiding, then you also want raiding to evolve into a more complex affair. It may just be that you just want more of the same, however simple it may be.
And of course for others, more of the same ultimately does become boring and therefore you want the raid encounters to evolve and become more complex and present new challenges.

Personally speaking, my fondness for raiding is the epic setting of getting to kill big dragons with lots of other players and doing what your character does best in lengthy encounters, all the while having a chill and social group experience that’s forgiving enough on the individual to ensure that everyone feels like they’re contributing even if they’re not playing perfectly.

That is more of an appreciation of oldschool raiding I suppose, where I would say that modern raiding emphasizes personal responsibility and your ability as a player to execute various boss mechanics, rather than just playing your class and doing mechanics as a collective group.
The necessity to learn strategy and understand the design of a boss encounter is more in focus. There’s a more defined and structured learning process to each boss encounter. What you have to do and when you have to do something is very choreographed. Stuff like that.

I don’t think everyone gravitates toward the modern form of raiding just because raiding has been around for a long time. I mean, evidently a lot of players are drawn to raiding in Classic WoW in spite of – or perhaps because of – it’s simplicity.


The only “NEW” boss I found annoying and still find annoying is kil’jaden in tos. Those purple balls in mythic drop way to fast for a dk to avoid.

i feel like this is exactly why we have 4 difficulties of raids, so casuals can do the lowest one where mechanics hardly matter at all, and as you get into HC/mythic more mechanics get added to fights, and they become more punishing

on one hand, yes. It’s getting a bit ridiculous.

On the other, players are also getting ridiculously good.

Some fall behind, but it’s nice having different difficulties for different levels i guess.

I know some people like this whole one difficulty per raid thing, but the game and the players evolved beyond that.

Yea on heroic I meant, I doubt it’s a thing on mythic

Think someone stated it here before, but I personally have no problem with more flashy mechanics and unique ones thrown into the mix.

It’s the overlaps that annoy me a lot more, to the point where I feel like these difficulties shouldn’t rely on said overlaps to provide harder content.


Classic wow raiding is boring as hell, people compete on parses because the content is faceroll

The allure of Classic is the community, which is non-existent in retail. No one plays Classic because he enjoys raiding. It gets mind numbing after 2nd week of a tier


Classic has no community either rofl have you seen those kids?

I’ve been playing on Mograine EU since it’s inception and I can say that the community is strong, with a very very active discord server as well. And this is also the case with other Classic servers.

Blizzard needs to learn from Classic as they forgot what MMO means in MMORPG.

I don’t personally like the way Blizzard differentiates between the 4 difficulty levels.

I played in a casual newcomer guild in early Battle for Azeroth (on the server that’s recommended for newcomers!) and it really struggled to get through Heroic Uldir, managing only a single clear during the tier. Even Normal Uldir presented a challenge, often resulting in incomplete runs because Zul or G’huun presented very binary challenges where flawless execution of the boss mechanics was demanded. And that was on Normal. The difficulty meant for casuals and newcomers.

These days I’m the person who should find some enjoyment in doing LFR. I’m the casual solo player who just wants to experience the raid, immerse myself in the setting, and play my class in a raid environment – without all the hassle of learning and wiping and players being upset and so on. But still you have bosses like Artificer Xy’Mox or the Council of Blood that end up being frustrating more often than not, because every individual player has to do some gimmick mechanic properly, otherwise it’s a wipe. It’s not enough to just be adequate at playing your class. And that’s LFR.

Normal, Heroic and Mythic strike me as too difficult overall. I miss the days of Legion and having a thriving PuG community that constantly did World Tours, because the difficulty of Normal and Heroic Emerald Nightmare and Trial of Valor and Nighthold was low enough that it was approachable for the masses.
These days the difficulty is so high that item level requirements and proven track records are demanded in PuGs – for good reason!
But it strikes me as wrong. Normal and Heroic mode should be for the masses. Normal should be something a PuG can do with a bunch of unknown alts – like when we mass-invite players for World Bosses every week.
And then Heroic can be the challenge that serious PuGs and organized raids can throw themselves at for the extra challenge.
Where Normal and Heroic are now is way too challenging in my opinion.

And Mythic is…I don’t know. The difficulty built for World First raiders and subsequently tuned for the hardcore players.
I think it’s fine. It just seems to me that the other difficulties are way too close to Mythic and they shouldn’t be. Mythic should be the difficulty you do if you want a proper challenge when raiding. The fact that you have Mythic raiders like Preach say that even Heroic mode wasn’t a push-over this time, that’s ridiculous. That indicates that the overall difficulty of raiding is too high. The average players is not as skilled or devoted to raiding as Preach. So if Preach says that half the raid difficulties are of a relevant difficulty to him, then they’re naturally going to be absolutely bonkers to the vast majority of the playerbase. Hence why the boosting environment is probably thriving these days – raid progression is the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest. Even the lower difficulties is like being stuck at Base Camp on the mountain with the realization that you may never get any further.

I don’t like it. I think Blizzard had better difficulty and design progression in raiding back when there was only 1 or 2 difficulties. Today there’s 4, but they’re just versions of the same:

Pick your poison.


Yeah and No, Of course there will be players who do raiding for just sake of fun and exploring, but also raiding is big feature of WoW that attracts players for high end gaming and racing. Keeping up the innovative and challenging boss fights will be necessary to keep that flow going.

Have a look how quickly the Vanilla WoW raids were cleared in comparison to its original launches because people know better these days.

And for the ones who want same and simple I think there are more then one acceptable difficulties to choose from.

I think the gear drought also plays a factor.
BfA = Spam some m+s for some days. Get geared to the teeth with 465 stuff then roflstomp through cara at least with that gear.
SL = Cant brute force it down(due to not overgearing it) so you need to actually do the mechanics properly.


Which would that be?

I mean, same and simple would be Normal Emerald Nightmare versus Mythic Emerald Nightmare.
The Normal difficulty was approachable for the masses. PuGs, guilds, alts, newcomers – anyone. Solid entry-level raiding for a first tier.
And still you had Mythic difficulty which was only approachable and doable for the hardcore raid guilds, as you would expect.

Then you have Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. And if you look at the first raid tier, then the Mythic difficulty is still only approachable and doable for the hardcore raid guilds, so business as usual right?
But for some inexplicable reason Blizzard have decided that the lower difficulties – LFR, Normal, and Heroic – need to be harder. You can’t just blitz through Normal Castle Nathria with a PuG consisting of random folks. And you couldn’t do that in Normal Uldir either. People need to have good gear and they need to be actual raiders with the skillset that challenging raids require.


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Well sorry but it’s just LFR nothing kills you there. Sure Nzoth was harder then sure. But that was an end of expac raid. Such are generally harder then first tier. But OP was not talking about bfa and shadowlands. But more about SL/BFA Vs everything before cata.


But still, LFR N’zoth was so badly designed and tuned that I still don’t have that kill! I have queued for that boss more times than I can count, and every single time it’s been a wipe fest with more skeletons covering the floor than you’d see in my basement!
How’s that appropriate design for the lowest raid difficulty?!


And that is - unpopular opinion - a good change. BFA was a snoozfest when it comes to progression and the content was devoured way too quickly.

I think the game should be designed in a way that allows all to enjoy it… IF casual wants to just experience game in “easy mode” so be it. Reach the end goal later then someone who wants to dedicate bit more time to progression.


It still is there are plenty normal run and cleared it in pug even in first week of release with undergear. And if you are just looking for just immersion LFR offers just that.

Absolutely doable. Still mechanics are harder then it used to be and it does require communication and explanation - but raiding IS the end content and one would expect 15 different advanturers to communicate to beat the powerful foe and not just blitz through it with - “yay, its killed, my precious loot” there is no satisfaction in that.

BFA and Legion was disaster gear wise imo.