Are night elf mages considered highborne?

First of all, the term “Highborne” were the upper class and a sect of the ancient night elf civilization. The Darnassian word “Quel’dorei” means “children of noble birth” in Darnassian.
So a Kaldorei Quel’dorei is literally “children of the stars children of noble birth”.
They were and arguably still are the nobility of the Kaldorei society (but of course, they are not treated as nobility by the rest of the night elf society, and in practical terms the caste ceased to exist over ten millennia ago) and NOT a seperate race. At least not yet.
According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is little physical difference between the Highborne and the rest of the kaldorei (save perhaps the Highborne being slightly pastier), but they consider themselves different enough. But in truth, they are not different, just were on the rode to become one; many Highborne NPCs are of fair skin, with white hair and no tattoos on their face.
Now, this is not supported by in-game lore, but I strongly suspect some eugenics were in work; selective and planned breeding for racial improvement; eg. the Nobles mated witha chosen or only with other Nobles to keept the blood pure and noble, and paired with the Arcane (witch is just as additctive and prone to cause mutations/rapid evolution like its counterpart, the Fel) eventually could have led to a different race.
Actually its happened eventually, the exiled Highborne became the High Elves, and kept the term Quel’dorei to call themselves and even with the lingual change, in Thalassian the world “Quel’dorei” means “children of noble birth” too. And you could say the Nightborne became a different race, or at least aa sub-race, not radically different, like how the Dark Trolls became Kaldorei thanks to the Well of Eternity, but the Sunwell and the Nightwell, both are great fonts of Arcane energies, transformed the Highborne in to High Elves and Shal’dorei (and they mutated even further in to the Fal’dorei, those half spider monstrosities thanks to the explosion of the first Arcan’dor tree)
Anyhow, back to the Highborne!
You could say, every Highborne is a Kaldorei, but not every Kaldorei is a Higborne!
Malfurion Stormrage’s battle with Queen Azshara collapsed the Well of Eternity, killing many Highborne and condemning those who survived to the sea floor where they were transformed into the serpentine Naga
Technically every Naga is a Highborne ex-Kaldorei, and this is where the fact it was just a class description, not a racial description came forth: like with the High Elves and the Nighborne, the isolated Nobles decided, Primus inter pares, first among the equals is totally fine excuse to transform their society, and some nobles were more noble than the others. Thats why in all the three offshots, tho’ all of them are noble descendants, you can find “commoners”, and have their own nobility.
Xavius transformed a nice number of Kaldore High- and Lowbornes (Xavius spread the demonic curse to other creatures- at first primarily other power-hungry Highborne who lived in Zin-Azshari) in to the immortal Satyr and enough slipped away to cause problems later. So while not all of them were Highborne, the majority were… at first. They are technically a race of demons, but there are a precious few instances when a Satyr was transfomed back to its Elven form.

BUT many Highborne did not meet their fate at the bottom of the sea. Some had betrayed their queen at the last minute, having realized the horrors she would unleash upon the world. These defectors had fled the capital city of Zin-Azshari, site of the Well, and were thereby spared when the Great Sundering tore Kalimdor apart.
Others remained hidden away in far-flung strongholds such as Eldre’Thalas.

Now of course, since they are too individuals, and we are speaking of RP, it is totally in the realm of possibility to think there were many “good” Highborne, noble Nobles, who, like Prince Farondis, the ruler of Nar’thalas or Elisande, “Queen”/Grand Magistirx of Suramar turned their back to the rest of the Nobles and decided to help the Resistance
Nobility is not just princes, lord and ladies, and so on, Nobility is a social class that have an aristocracy. It is normally ranked immediately below royalty. So technically you can be a noble but not have any meaningfull title, be a noble, but not an aristocrat, nor rayalty. Just your blood is more “noble” than say, a Lowborne. Hence the term, Lowborne.

According the Lore, those Highborne who had joined with the rest of their shattered peoples fled the rising waters of the Great Sea, eventually arriving at the base of Mount Hyjal, where they helped to rebuild the night elven civilization in the newly reshaped world. They were not entirely welcome: the night elves, now led by Malfurion, reviled Queen Azshara’s former servants and were doubtful of their loyalty. Still, without the Well to supply their magic, the Highborne were considered little threat, and were permitted to rejoin night elven society.
Eventually they were exiled, but many felt the pangs of their magical addiction and were tempted to use the power of a new Well of Eternity created by Illidan Stormrage, who from then on would be termed “the Betrayer” for his terrible crime. Though the use of arcane magic was forbidden on pain of death, the Highborne foolishly attempted to convince the kaldorei race of the power of magic by unleashing a magical storm upon Ashenvale. Their desperate gambit failed, and the Highborne were exiled; the night elves mercifully refusing to execute any more of their brethren.
This happened 7,300 years before the Dark Protal opened and around that time, the Shen’dralar Highborne led by Prince Tortheldrin began feeding on demonic energies.
Now thats… a very nice 2700 years of living together with the Lowborne.
Totally in the realm of possibility again, love raised its ugly head and since there were no “official” cast system anymore, Highborne and Lowborne pairs formed. The fact, the old cast system was no more not necesarily means the Nobles forgot it, nor that they abandoned it; safe to assume, some of them wanted to keep their family name/blood alive and maybe their mates supported this, who know? It is RP, letss ay the noble son of the Moonlance Family tied the knot with the not so noble daughter of the Featherwinds and secretly thought their sons and daughters their heritage lived on, “and one day my son, our family will rose to power again. Stay low. Wait. We are immortals…”
Actually the Kaldorei with the bans and exiled were a bit hypocrits, since the Highborne’s Arcane heritage in a form survived in the Society (who knows, maybe it was the work of these nobles, working to preserve what they had) since Insciption and Enhancing flurished enought to survive to the World of Warcraft era, wehere these professions have solid reputation and trainers among the Kaldorei. And the Mist that hid Kalimdor for a few thousand years were quite magical, or at least I think it was…

The Shen’dralar, “Those Who Remain Hidden” of the city of Eldre’Thalas under Prince Tortheldrin protected their city, not unlike how Elisande did with Suramar, the Shen’dralar wove a great spell to shield Eldre’Thalas from the destructive forces of the Sundering. Although they had saved their city, then Shen’dralar soon discovered that the Well of Eternity had been consumed in the Sundering. Without the fount of power to draw on, Tortheldrin and his followers saw their immortality greatly diminished. Tortheldrin eventually formulated a plan to revitalize the Shen’dralar. He forged pylons in the halls of the west wing of Eldre’Thalas, constructing a prison to house a new source of power behind a grand force field: a demon named Immol’thar. To the shock of the other Shen’dralar, Tortheldrin had covertly summoned and bound the terrifying creature to siphon the demon’s power and give it to his followers.
Interestingly enough, the Highborne led by Dath’Remar Sunstrider, who were exiled and bacme the High Elves had some contact with the Shen’dralar or at least were aware of each other’s existance; Verinias was aware that Dath’Remar and his followers left Kalimdor, and intended to join them after he believed the Shen’dralar fell to corruption. Telmius Dreamseeker of Quel’Thalas also managed to find and reach their ancient city in Feralas after Silvermoon was destroyed by the Scourge, only to be killed by Prince Tortheldrin, who, unlike his fellow Highborne Lorekeeper Lydros, openly objected to one of the high elves intruding upon his domain. The high elf priestess Aurora Skycaller helped Alliance adventurers reforge the Crystal of Zin-Malor, and their blood elf kin in Silvermoon also occasionally sent groups to Highborne settlements in Kalimdor, such as Ruins of Kel’Theril in Winterspring

In Year 25, the majority of elves, including the prince, was killed by the Horde when they raided Dire Maul. The surviving ones fled the ruined city and wandered in the woods for years, trying to wean themselves off demonic power and feel whole again
The Shen’dralar Highborne first resurfaced around the time of the assault on the Icecrown Citadel, with Daros Moonlance coming to the Silver Enclave in Dalaran and Mordent Evenshade arriving to Darnassus in order to seek an audience with High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind
The Highborne Shen’dralar sorcerers from Dire Maul eventually settled in Darnassus. Many night elves were wary of their guests as they dredged up painful memories from the past. The Highborne in particular were treated with suspicion and even open hostility. They began training new night elf mages.
Over the next few years, Mordent Evenshade and his Highborne followers continued to serve the Darnassian night elves and the Alliance, but when Teldrassil burned, Shen’dralar lost a second home to the Horde…

Back a bit further, Quel’Thalas flourished, other Highborne communities across the world struggled to survive. One such community dwelled in the city of Shandaral, a repository of arcane relics and artifacts, which now found itself isolated in Northrend in the wake of the Great Sundering. For centuries these Highborne scoured the surrounding forest of Moonsong for a means to sustain themselves. During this time the Highborne would witness the blue dragonflight using spells to crystallize living things and draw power from them. Recognizing it as means to end their suffering forever the Highborne attempted to interact with the dragons but were met with indifference or hostility. 6,000 years before the opening of the Dark Portal a group of Highborne sorcerers infiltrated the lair of the dragonflight, the Nexus, and succeeding in learning the dragons’ techniques. However, greed drove them to steal powerful relics stored within the Nexus and they thus triggered the wards in place and ensnared the dragon’s ire. When the dragons confronted them in the forest the elves attempted to crystallize part of the area and draw magic from the crystals to fight the dragons off, but the spell was much more powerful than anticipated and transformed the entire region as well as twisting the elves’ spirits. It is not impossible, your Highborne escaped this destruction and wandered to find another way to survive.

Various night elf magi are seen actively contributing to the Alliance war effort in the Fourth War, such as Squallshaper Auran in Boralus and Valrisa Windcoil in Vol’dun, as well as part of the 7th Legion Arcanists in Faction Assaults throughout Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Some of the Nar’thalas magi also appear in Stormwind, apparently affiliated with Darnassus and the Alliance, opening a permanent portal to the Crumbled Palace of the Court of Farondis in Azsuna.

So, all and all?
Yes, you can RP as a Highborne or Highborne descendant, it would be totally lore friendly, and you don’t even have to be from Eldre’Thalas (tho’ that is the easiest) if you are creative enough, be a noble blood hiding among the lowbornes and when the Shen’dralar joined, you showed your true face, or a wandering Shandaral survivor (I don’t suggest trying the transformed back Satyr/Naga/Nar’thalas ghost route. It could work, however it is possible you would meet some… disapproval from other roleplayers, on the other hand, it IS RP and maybe could work? Risky)
If you were trained by a Shen’dralar Arcanist but born as a Lowborne? That would not made you a Highborne.
As for the

The Alliance don’t have any problem with Highbornes… they even tolerate Warlocks and from a non-biased source? Aluneth said: “The Naga wield magics, yes, but without finesse. There was a time Azshara’s people had the potential to rival the titans.” And this came from Aluneth itself, a powerful entity of pure arcane energy hailing from another plane of existence. So if anyone it would know… and Alliance looove powerfull allies, see the Ren’dorie
As for the Kaldorei society? The night elves still regard the Highborne with wariness and suspicion, as can be evidenced from Sentinel dialogue when asked for Mage Trainer locations in Teldrassil, Rhyanda stating that many still held their order responsible for the actions of the forebears, and Shandris Feathermoon openly declaring that she would have been duty-bound to slay them had it not been for Tyrande’s recent mercy and Maive started to hunt them and kill them left and right untill she was stopped.

On the other hand, the Highborne Mages were essential and helped a lot during the evacuation of the burning Wolrdtree, kept open the portals and teleported as many as they could; in the survivors eyes this could mean something if not full redemption.


Reading this made me wanna play as a Shen’dralar, on my way to create a night elf mage.

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A really interesting read that stitches the bits of information I had together more coherently, thank you. :woman_elf: :+1:

I need to remember how the void elves fit in again. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

There is such a lot of elven lore it gets complicated :smiley:


Dark Trolls (exposure to the Well of Eternity) —> Kaldorei (further exposure to the Well of Eternity)—> Kaldorei Quel’dorei (Highborne) (Exposure to the Sunwell)—> Quel’dorei (High Elves) (lost the Sunwell, exposure to various energies, mostly arcane, but some Fel too)—> Sin’dorei (Blood Elves, Children of Blood) (an Etheral experiment went wrong, exposure to the Void)—> Ren’dorei (Children of Shadow)
Alleria is technically not a Void Elf, since she was not created like the Ren’dorei, but absorbed a dark Naaru; on the other hand, she was exposed to the Void, just in a different matter
Elves are sponges it seems, we are soaking up energies and got mutated by it…
Tha Alliance accepted the Void Elves only because Alleria is a hero of the Alliance and gave her word and pinky promise, everyhing will be all right (and the Alliance needed some big dps in the War)
Lets… not go in to pesky details, like how Sargeras was so afraid the whispers of the Void turns a World Soul in to a “Void Titan” when he found one, cleaved Telogrus in half and then went on a Burning Crusade to wipe the universe of Life, because in his eyes, an universe without life to corrupt is still better than one rulled by the Void and like how the Void turned Titanic Keepers, Ancients (via the Nightmare), dragons including an Aspect. Neltharion insane…
Yeah, an Elf will totally master the Void, nothing could go wrong!
Nothing… :eyes:
And Anduin, in his infinite wisdom, agreed and saw it is good
Anyhow, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, N’Zoth?


That’s a lot more than I could’ve imagined for an answer for in these comments, so thank you a lot. :smiley: I’m going to use this bit of information to create an origin story for my night elf mage

PS. I feel like people often neglect the actual experiences their characters go through in RP. Like, basically, at this point, we’re all heroes and commanders and leaders and whatnot. :sweat_smile:


Glad to help!

When it comes to RP it is easier to be just… mission table minion so to speak
Not the Hero, not the Commander of the Draenor expedition, not the Orderhall champion, not the Speaker of the Horde, nor the Maw Walker and so on
Like Galadriel:

“I pass the test”, she said. “I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel.”

Nothing wrong in it to be “nobody” if you want, stay “small”, not an OP murderhobo
Makes the RP more Fun :smile:


I would have made a Night elf Male too if Blizzard would ever update the casting animations for Night elf male. They are so stiff and that headbanging when they are casting, makes them look weird compared to Night elf female who has better animations and also holds the staff more elvish style while the male holds it like a club which doesn’t make sense for a Elf, they are not barbarians. Its like Blizzard did it just so more players would choose to play female Night elf, on purpose. Its been like that since day one when the game launched even the Night elf Druids casting. The Male Night elves really, really need some updated animations to be more elvish (Same goes for the Nightborne males which is just copy paste animations of the Night elf males). But when BFA came some animations were updated and shared between all races depending on which class you were and that was good but some weird animations still linger.

Same goes for the High/Blood/Void elf males although the High/Blood/Void elf males have little better animations than Night elf male but they also have some weird animations that was never fixed. Altough I liked that they updated the Hunter stance animations for High/Blood/Void elf using the bow. Feels like Legolas bow combat stance.

As for OP, The Shen’dralar are Highborne or rather one of Highborne houses/clan as there was many houses/clan among the Highborne. Their Empire expanded vast and far before the Great Sundering there are ruins everywhere of their empire on Azeroth, some are even older than 10000 years. So you choose however you want if you want your Night elf mage to be one of the Shen’dralar or a Night elf mage in training. I might make one if Blizzard ever fix the animations.

But then again after the tree was destroyed in pre patch of BFA I lost all interest in Nigh elves. So all my Night elves are now Void High elves and my NE druid is a Kultiran druid. However I might make my Druid NE again if the Tree gets renewed with the Seed from Winter queen and renews the Night elves. Maybe move my Void High elves there.

We are not tolkien’s elves, the Kaldorei are suposed to be savage and wild. “These women fight with unmatched savagery! I’ve never seen their equal. They are… perfect warriors”-Grommash Hellscream.
We are not the typical high elf from fantasy games.
But i do agree the animations for male night elves are awfull, especially one handed weapons and bows.

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Troll heritage I guess…
But the Kaldorei were quite sophisitcated, I mean just Zin-Azshari was HUGE, so large city it dominated the supercontinent, and there were other cities like Suramar, Sandalar, Kel’Theril, Eldre’Thalas and many more.
If it wasn’t for the Sundering, Zin-Azshari could easly have envelope the planet and became Coruscant like ecumenopolis
Only after that they “regressed” back to barbarism and became savage and wild, living in burrows and all… before that they were “civilized”

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Yes savage and wild but not Barbarians. Like Dnd elves were not fighting like barbarians. They fought like elves do, they are just more aggressive.

Besides were did you think blizzard got the idea of a race of elves from? All elves are “based” of tolkiens elves no matter what game or movie or whatever.

Yes but like all elves they fight with grace and elegants. Night elves are based of wood elves. Wood elves are more aggressive but that does not make them Barbarians. Elves are not humans.

Thank you for your explanation. :+1:

It does get a bit complicated with the power sources appearing and disappearing over the years.

I need to revisit the Dath’Remar Sunstrider story, I remember a monument in the starting zone. Guessing he was before Azsharas time ?

I vaguely remember a blue dragon story about Anveena? and a sunwell at one point.

I get confused when things happen, as some of it goes back a long time to super early game expansions. It is often broken up in the game, and while books fill in some details there is still a lot going on.

There must be a board in an office in Blizzard with names, locations and lots and lots of string all over it…

We formed a resistance to overtrow the Highborne who summoned the legion into our world, you know those fellas who destroyed your planet and chased you across the cosmos, if we had not embrance druidism and Cenarius teachings our world would be a smoldering husk by now.
So you could be a little more thankfull no?

I think they are based on the Warmahmmer Elves
In the Warhammer franchise, the first civilized people of the world were the High Elves (Asur) from the Atlantis-like (though unsunken) island realm of Ulthuan. Early on, the High Elves colonized large parts of the Warhammer world, but following the rise of the Druchii (called “Dark Elves” by others than themselves), a fascistoid movement of corsairs and slavers, the High Elves were plunged into civil war and their power greatly faded. Their civil war was followed decades later by a costly war with the Dwarfs, which saw the Elves expelled from many of their colonies, reducing their civilisation to only Ulthuan. Many of the elves who were expelled from their former colonies took up residence in the deep forests of the Old World, and with time became known as Wood Elves (Asrai).
This is a bit more similar to the Kaldorei/Highborne than the Tolkienesque setting

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Dath’Remar was one of the highborne that stood with the Kaldorei Resistance in the war of the ancients, around 3.000 years later he would be exiled from night elven society along with his highborne for summoning a massive storm upon Ashenvale in an insolent and ill-fated attempt to convice the druids to wield magic once again.

He sailed to the Eastern Kingdoms with the rest of his Highborne where he founded the kingdom of Quel’thalas.

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Higborne elves are just another copy-paste from Tolkien.

Yeah because Blizzard wanted to make their own RTS warhammer game but as I said they are all based from Tolkien. But everyone made their own “version” and origin about elves because his books are way older tabletop games or computer games.

Technically… the Exiled Ones (Draenei) are just a little faction who fled, but the majority of the Eredar race joined willingly for power and Argus became the center of a large intergalactic empire so to speak, the seat of the Legion who conquered/destroyed many world along the large portion of the Cosmos, to “save it from the Void”
Interestingly… the Army of the Light main enemy is not the Void, but Sargeras, who not tolerated such incursion to the Universe from a cosmic force (and save to assume, nor from the Light)
Makes you wonder, huh?
Anyhow, most of the Eredar became so infused with the Fel they became Demons, immortals essentially, since Demons reform, in time in the Twisting Nether, so… Sargeras kept his word
Velen and co. just not wanted to be a part of it, based on some Naaru teachings (the Naaru and the Light meddled with the universe it seems, just like the Old Gods and the Void) summoned them with a Naaru relic that happened to laying around… than came a few thousand years of brainwashing/indoctrination and lightforging to be in their Army
Yes, Sargeras did something similar, but the main thing is Free Will. The Eredar joined willingly… and then embraced the Legion.
You have to sleep in the bed you made, as they say, but it was a comfortable one, ruling over domains, be leaders of the Legion and the armies and Sargeras trusted race…
What happened on Azeroth could have ended similarly if the Kalodrei resitance would have acces to similar relic to call the Naaru… then the Night Elven Lowborne would have been shipped away by the Naaru and enrolled in to the Army of the Light :roll_eyes:
It was a close call actually, since there is that Elune had in hand crafting the Naaru theory… it easly could have ended differently

Always enjoy the moment you are in, Brother!
Because the Present is a Gift. Which is why we call it the present.

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