Obviously, you can RP one the way you want to, but going by the actual lore in the game, how would night elf mages be viewed?
With enough felweed, any elf can be a high elf. Just ask Dunkiee.
no night elves are the lowborn citizens of the former empire they are not high elves or even highborne only the blood elves and grumbles the void elves traitors may call them self high elves
So, what are night elf mages?
Actually, there’s a Highborne looking exactly like a night elf in Darnassus
They’re exiled Highborne returning to Night Elven society. I believe most of them were refugees from Eldre’thalas (Dire Maul).
They started appearing in Dalaran and Darnassus in WOTLK, and npc dialogue stated they were still shunned for what they did during the War of the Ancients.
In Cataclysm, they were accepted back in. Dont recall why. I think Maiev tried to kill them? Or maybe that was before all this, idk.
I don’t know if they’re all Highborne or if Night Elves learned to be mages again, but this is the basics, pretty much.
the player mages are just night elf apprentices they aren’t the exiled highbourne them self in fact after all that happen to the group at dire maul i would imagine the archmage’s little group is very few in numbers
I don’t know it. But I know the night elf is superior to the blood elf. Look on the night elf male, so handsome with fountain of gas. Blood elf male can have a cat’s hairball for the facial hair.
Haha you killed me
Njae not really true they were the same race… even blonde hair could happen on night elves. Sunstrider was a blonde mage night elf and ancestor to kaelthas
Because highborne are night elves…
actually night elves as a faction are the commoners the highborne are the nobility which was all exiled from night elf society by malfurion stormrage and tyrande whisperwind
Archmage Mordent Evenshade, leader of the Shen’dralar, is named Highborne in-game.
I see no reasons why a player rolling a nelf mage could not claim to be one of the Shen’dralar, too.
And therefore a veeeeeery elderly Highborne from a time before others were exiled and the Blood Elves became a thing.
^ That’s what I think as well. A player character can be whatever they want, that’s the point of RP.
I need to rephrase my question, because it cannot be answered the way it was presented. Since you can decide to be whatever you want on your player character, what are the lore-accurate options? I mean, technically you can come up with your own lore, because there are always “rogue” characters, but let’s say you were a part of some former group - what are the realistic options?
My pleasure!
i mean you can but you won’t be rp aside mordent’s group of survivors is very tiny it’s a bit like when blizzard started using the void and the lightforged as canon fodder in bfa they simply shouldn’t have the numbers for it the group that survive diremaul would be very tiny and most likely pre existing npcs only
I think the original void elves team wasn’t bigger, so anything works.
I mean we’re all the maw walker after all
Night Elf mages are either Highborne or were tutored by them. Specifically the ones from Dire Maul.
I think this makes the most sense as well
PS. How do I quote a post?
Night elven mages can either be one of the Shen’dralar (Those Who Remain Hidden) led by Mordent Evenshade, the Highborne that inhabited the city of Eldre’Thalas now known has the ruins of Diremaul, or Night elves that decided to learn the arts of the arcane from the Shen’dralar after they where welcomed into the night elf society again.
i just need a forum post thihi