Are Night Elf Mages good ig?

Curious to hear if Night Elf Mages would be good, even in the case of minmaxing (which I’ve never done tbh)

They are just as good as any other mage races with and added shadowmeld “panic button” to save your skin
The Void Elf racial Preternatural Calm (Your spell casts are not delayed by taking damage) could be better, but personally a de facto panic button is better than any % or such thing

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Yeah I was thinking that panic button might just take the win over a Void Elf :thinking:

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Of course Mages have invisibility anyhow… but having two? Yes please!
But it is just me, others might say a few % or other racials could be better
I’m on the practical side, not on numbers :beers:


Unless you are pushing like 30+ keys or prenerf mythic content racials dont really matter tbh just go for asectics and what you like.


Another option could be Balance Druid, but not sure if a Mage is better DPS?

I do like the “fast paced” gameplay of a mage, and a night elf mage would be interesting from the lore perspective as well. Then again Night Elf druids have a great lore too.

Simming and theorycraft is find and all, but at the end of the day, it all depends who is behind the keyboard
I’m equally horrible on every class :no_mouth:
Try a trial toon to see how do you like it
But as the undead mage above said, if you are not aiming to be in the 1% or do superhigh keys…? It not really matters
For “group content” as a Mage you will always have a party buff, table for them and a Timewarp raidbuff… but you know this already as a Blood Elven Mage

I don’t ever really aim for anything, but always want to have the option for everything, even the option on top of the chart :sweat_smile:

I have a Night elf mage and they are cool. I feel like any race can pull off mage.

Night elves have the invisibility racial so that compared with arcane is always cool. reminds me of

Nightborne mages are the best. :pinched_fingers:

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Without a question
We are the best!
:wine_glass: :face_with_monocle:

It is known. :wine_glass:

Night elf is great as arcane as it has MASSIVE agro problems.

It should not matter too much unless you want to clear mythic raids the first two weeks of the tier, or if you are aiming to do high end PvP.

In terms of raids a void elf is a better option, simply because Spatial Shift is a free teleportation ability that you can pre-plan for specific mechanics.

For M+ Night Elves are a better option, though the usefulness of Shadowmeld in the end depends on the dungeon itself and how much you can skip with it. It is a really good, general use racial that you can use to dodge specific mechanics.

For PvP, Shadowmeld wins out due to its power in juking important abilities.

If you want to PvP on high tier then going Night Elf is a good option, but in general you can achieve decently high rating with most races, and the same applies to raids. Boss knowledge, pre-planning for raid mechanics, and clever CD usage will always win out over race choice when it comes to PvE (atleast for raids).

I personally never felt myself being held back by the fact that I am playing a vulpera, but then, I am also not part of a top 100-200 guild, so make of it what you will.

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Thanks for the replies.

Out of curiosity, is it possible to be a part of a top 100-200 guild without giving a damn about schedules? Because I’ll always only play whenever I feel like it :sweat_smile:

I would say no. Raiding high end require commitment of some form, which your leadership and your guildies expect you to keep. It also depends how fast they clear the content.

Like, if you are there from the start and push through the entirety I do not think that many guilds would mind you playing something else after the entire tier has been cleared a handful of times and it is on farm, but if you do it during progression then that will not look good on you. It will paint you as someone the group cannot rely on when they need it most, and in case of you taking loot it will feel like you are just taking loot away from the overall group, aka they are gearing you for nothing.

You also have your homework there to do in the form of power grind (which hopefully Dragonflight will step away from). If they do not then in a top 100-200 guild you are kind of expected to keep your character up to date as much as possible, since the point there is to progress through raids as smoothly as they can, so you can chill out after achieving Cutting Edge.

If you want to aim high without being held back by schedules it may be better to look more towards the M+ side of things. The raid can still be enjoyed on a casual level (normal and heroic) without having to set yourself to a strict schedule (quite a few guilds do not mind if you do not show up to raids, if you tell them beforehand) and M+ you can play whenever the mood gets you.

Just try to have a group of likeminded individuals around you to do it with. Pugging is hell, double so if you are playing a spec that is not between strong to outright broken status.

Yeah, well that does sound more like work-like commitment which I’m not a fan of in an in-game environment. I don’t think anyone in game needs to know when I’m online next, I’ll hop on whenever and spend as much time as I want to. I prefer showing “how good you are” by simply playing that well, but I guess that’s not a possibility in WoW - except maybe in PvP? :sweat_smile:

It sounds more like organised sport, I would say.

Keep in mind that for organised raiding you have a minimum of 20-25 other people who set their time to play together, so while it is perfectly fine to just treat the game what it is: A game altering the schedule of 24 other people without them being notified of it beforehand tend to not go down too well.

It is more about the social aspect of it, a common courtesy to notify those whom you are doing organised content with that you will not be available for a specified event. Skill level has little to do with it.

Honestly, I would say that both PvP and M+ can work for you, but not with a consistent team. Pugging high end is pretty rough though, keep that in mind.

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