Are Nzoth whispers more frequent

Cause Im hearing a ton of them :crystal_ball::clap:t3:


It’s literally constant for me right now, and has been for about 30 minutes. Logging and rebooting hasn’t changed it either.

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I’m acctually dissapointed it don’t happend everywhere :frowning_face: They should also increase the number of things he whispers and perhaps also related to certain areas or nerby NPC’s.

I love the N’zoth whispers :heart_eyes:

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I’m getting the whispers non-stop too, I thought it was due to me getting Curve for the raid because they started just after it, I have no idea why it’s happening though.

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I didn’t get a single whisper at all :confused:

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I’ve had Curve for a while and havn’t ever gotten a single whisper even once. :thinking:

Its on wowhead

Yes I just linked it aswell in the posts above you, but I made this thread before it was posted

Well sorry for linking again …

its okay, but something weird just happened I did not cleanse the gift but it is gone…

My Draenei is confirmed Undead in disguise and is immune to the whispers of Old Gods.
I still can’t hear anything :sob:

Are you sure this all wasn’t just in your mind? :wink:


it’s constant, everywhere i go, except when flying and zoning though 1 time zoning it kept on going on, not anymore. It’s driving me nuts, i can’t stand the thought having this every single time i log on to my warrior so i will have a raid with this buff on and then i’ll have it dispelled by delivering the quest.

Old god whispering over and over to drive you to insanity?

Working as intended :+1:


Lol you have to abandon the quest then asmr nzoth is back !


I noticed too after some time they become more frequent, like overlapping, i tried reloging and what not to “reset” the whispers and i didn’t change at all.

I wonder if it’s a bug or intended.

What if it’s a test from Blizzard to see if we can pass the test of whispers we end up as a reward to be transformed into K’thir aka secret Allied Race?

Without a rep grind first? :wink:

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Our sanity is the rep grind :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone else suddenly lost their gift ? I just logged today without the tentacle-eye thing on my head. It just dissapeared a while ago the whispers started.