Can I pretend my toon has always been a “dark shaman” while having been born during the 1st War or at least prior to 2nd War? I just don’t like the idea that the entire race were schooled by Thrall who was basically raised in isolation by a human. Did the shamans of the old basically all become warlocks? None of that knowledge passed down?
I think it depends on the clan and the individual orc. I think it was Day of the Dragon where I read that some warlocks turned back to shamanism after the Second War. But there are some cases (like Drek’thar iirc) when the elements just wouldn’t answer to a former warlock. Even after Thrall started reestablishing shamanism. So it depends on how much the character and their backstory. He/she could have had plenty of excuses why they wouldn’t want to turn into warlocks, and I don’t think it was absolutely mandatory to do so. Although I do believe there was a time period between orcs starting to lean more towards having warlocks than shamans, and Thrall becoming warchief, when the elements wouldn’t answer at all, to any orc.
I guess the lore is rather vague and not hardly established concerning this subject. I’m gonna go with a Blackrock “born again shaman” then. Facing his past but hot headed and prone to violence, still not a huge fan of Thrall. Thanks for the input.
I always belived, the elements of Draenor are still sour about the whole Fel-thing and refuse to answer them
But on Azeroth (or on the tortured word of Argus) the young/old Orc shamans discovered, this world’s elements are different… not to mention maybe a bit sympathetic toward the once-slave orcs, as the elemental lords and their servant were the slaves once of the Old Gods and more willing to give them a chance (and aside some primitive cultures most of the “advanced” races of Azeroth forgot the elements, but the new kids in the block respected them)
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