Are Priests "evil"?

Mulling over which classes I’m going to place in the four covenants, I considered which one fits Priests best.

An obvious answer seems to be that Shadow and Discipline go to Venthyr while Holy go to Kyrian.

But come to think of it, I’m no longer certain Holy priests are strictly “good”. Shadow and Light are two sides of a coin, and both are opposing forces who want to completely dominate the cosmos. We’ve learned from recent events on Draenor and Argus that even those who worship the light can be fanatical and evil, like Warlocks.

Paladins seem to be better candidates for Kyrian, because they’re basically noble knights seeking to do good in the world. They use the light to achieve it, but they’re not in it for the purpose of spreading light or power.

I suppose if you look at Bastion and the Kyrians as a place of order, then Holy priests fits better all of a sudden. Shadow is about possibilities while Light is about ordering the cosmos.

What do you think? Are Holy priests and the Kyrian covenant a match made in heaven?

They could be good or evil even as the essential dualism is diluted in favour of a more fluid ambiguity. Philosophically, voilating another’s mind to subvert their agency with mind control is vile, though possibly justifiable. These aren’t easy questions.

Ask Anduin, he did it whitout a flintch in Pandaria with his noble and loyal man…

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An act blizzard likes to forget, portraying Anduin as pure Holy with not an ounce of Shadow lately. Subverting the ultimate good of free will is meanwhile a big part of Sylvanas’ villain arc.

These are points that would be more poignant and compelling were the lands and realms of Azeroth not led by absolute monarchs, theocratic chosen and dictators. The people making their own choices, going their own ways often become villains in going against the proper autocratic order of our noble, rightful rulers.

In other words, Blizzard lore isn’t morally consistent, water is wet und so wieter.

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The problem is with the Blizzard writing team, is that it’s trying to pull off intricate political plots, cosmological horrors and ask really deep questions regarding morality, but they lack the skill to execute any of those topics properly.
Lore was fun back when it was all about groups of diverse heroes overcoming their differences to defeat a common, much larger evil than themselves.
Now they’ve bitten off more than they can chew and it’s pretty much just up to us to make interpretations and try having our own fun with the very shaky foundations of what we’ve got.

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Priests can definitely be bad. I’d say Sally Whitemane was a holy priest, and I would’t say she’s a nice person.

However it’s true that the majority of people who use the Light are considered to be good, while the majority of shadow wielders will likely be bad. Simply because of the influence both powers have on the wielders.

Her kit is Heroes of the Storm is inspired by disc.
Pretty sure that means she’s disc even if HotS isn’t canon. It does try portraying characters accurately from a combat perspective.

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