As the title says. I have been pondering how many or if there are any Demon Hunter guilds around even after Legion. And if so then i like to ask what is their purpose now with the legion defeated. What drives them onward and their thoughts on the current Faction war.
This is mostly a thread checking if there are DH guilds and what DH are up to now a days. :)))))
Spectral watch on alliance, an illidari guild, faction neutral though
They also had a guild on horde which i forgot the name, but you may see them in hordr’s trade chat, seems they are ICly neutral aswell
Both seem to be nice and active
Also, if you’re a night elf DH who fights for Alliance, i recommend moonlight embrace
I think there are same things on horde aswell, one being Blackwall
I think there are more yet i don’t remember all
Good luck!
I have a Demon Hunter I would love to join some roleplay on but its so limited.
I would recommend making a In-game Community instead of actual guild as most Demon Hunters tend to stick to themselves and mostly join groups when needed against more powerful foes or bigger assignments.
While it probably could be done, I see many many ways in which a DH-based guild fails and only a narrow path in which it can succeed. Which goes for most guilds that center around one class, really.
DHs and what they originally existed for have become vastly irrelevant, you’re now in the complicated situation of playing an individual. A troubled one at that.
Take solace in the chance RP you might get with another DH who isn’t just an experimental alt of someone, but I’d suggest you find a place where you can progress your DH, rather than clinging to an unsustainable story, confined within an echo chamber.
There has been a DH discord, but for various reasons it’s pretty much dead, as I suspect an ingame community would be, unfortunately, as much as I’d like the idea.
Yeah I personally don’t see how a Demon Hunter guild could ever work, simply because every character in it would have roughly the same skillset and I see it become repetitive really fast.
What I’ve done with mine is pursue various avenues that make sense for him ( travel, lore, studying/fighting the Void ), and as such I stick around Neutral guilds or those that avoid fighting the Alliance. There’s a few, some even good. Have a look around the AD EU forums and see if you like anything.
If it wasn’t because I am currently running an active guild I would gladly create the in-game community and run it. Sadly right now my Demon Hunter is merely a alt which I would love to explore much more.
But I do say if someone create it, I would love to join and if so do not hesitate to poke me in-game.
From what I have seen and heard, on Horde Blackwall are not DH-specific but have quite a few of them in their ranks. On Alliance I’ve heard of the Greyheart Enclave who are neutral and seem to accept all classes of characters. As for Spectral Watch, there are some really nice people but their GM is seemingly a drama starter from what I’ve seen from my friends in the guild.
The Spectral Watch is an illidari unit currently based in Kalimdor. We mainly recruit demon hunters but warlocks, broken rp-ers and others who wish to swear to the Illidari are also accepted. We recently formed a horde counterpart that is ic-ly the same guild - The Spectral Enclave.
Our guild’s main purpose, now the Legion is defeated, is hunting down Legion remnants on Azeroth - and also other threats to Azeroth such as Satyrs and cultists.
The Watch has been around for a long time, we’ve been involved in drama, some is indeed our fault. We all make mistakes and where mistakes are made we’re happy to throw our hands up and take responsibility! We use our guild blacklist to avoid drama (isn’t it nicer if we don’t get along we RP separately as to avoid drama?) we don’t feel is something we’ll change, but thank you for the critique! We shall be sure to consider it in the future. If anyone has had issues with us in the past, we’re very sorry for it.
I have been in the Spectral Watch before, and while the majority of the members are fantastic. The Officers and GM definitely run the guild not to the best of standards. The GM seems to not listen to advice from her officers and will turn the blame onto other people if things do not go her way. She also does not listen to advice from her officers and that is a bad thing in my opinion. The guild can be fantastic but with the way it is being run right now. It is not a good place to be with drama kicking off almost every day within the guild either between members, or between the GM and officers.
And i find it funny how this is your one post for this character which happens to be a level 29… If this is true can you do give any solid evidence to support your claim? As i see you just spouting BS.
The only posts i have seen being reported is against the ToS to name and shame players or guilds. I have been apart of this guild for about three weeks and they are a really nice and friendly group and i have yet to see any drama spur between members at all and i am a active person in the guild. So what are these true ways you seem to know so much about? Please feel free to share whatever evidence you have of this else i call BS.
I’d gladly share my experiences with this guild elsewhere, along with other people that want nothing to do with them.
But granted, I have bigger things to focus on such as my own wellbeing.
I’ve known people to quit WoW, as I mentioned in my other comment that’s now lost to the nether, because of being in this guild, as I did myself until coming back to the PvE scene.
It’s better to warn people so they don’t experience the same than to let them join a guild and have their image of the game and RP scene as a whole tainted.
Again as mentioned in my last comment, Blades, Moonlight Embrace or Blackwall are good choices
I will throw my hat into the ring for two main reasons.
The original point of this post wasn’t to discuss the merits of certain guilds, only their existence. If the Blood of Azzinoth were still in their hayday i’d totally suggest them but sadly with the end of Legion the reason for pure DH guilds have seen a massive decline for obvious reasons…
The second reason is simple, every person, every guild, has black-spots and some more than others. I myself don’t enjoy the Spectral Watch but they are welcome to… do whatever the hell they do so long as it doesn’t come to the harm of anyone which in the past may have occurred.
So i.e, lets avoid falling beyond the event horizon that is THIS topic and move back to the main point, yes yes?
Better to let people decide for themselves if they like it or not, if they like it, they stay and if they don’t. Well they leave. I have a dislike for a certain big undead guild but i don’t go on a forum rampage with several low levels 1 post alts (Not pointing any fingers but the person know who they are) to fuel a fire that shouldnt be burning because of how stupid it is.
I have two mains one for each faction to see the story from both sides and this happens to be my alliance main really. And how would you know it’s mass reported by the guild? There are guidelines to follow on forums and people should actually try and uphold them and several people go attack personally to the GM of the Watch which is not ok. Personal attacks are disgraceful and bad and should not happen. The guild was called Na** and it’s equivalents which is not ok and should be reported and taken down in general.