Are there any late-night RP guilds around?

Hello there! I’m new to the server and was wondering are there any late-night RP guilds on either faction?

By ‘late-night’, I’m thinking of guilds that start their RP events from 10pm server time onward.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Can’t speak for other guilds but when it comes to Guard RP focused ones - those can be considered as late-night RP since a lot of activity in Stormwind happens between 8PM ST - 02AM ST. Not exactly events based though.


Thanks very much, Tenebries! That’s a great suggestion and one I hadn’t thought of.

Alternatively are there any other people who are also looking for a late night RP guild? Anyone who’d be interested just give me a shout in this thread. If it’s something the server doesn’t have and there’s enough demand for one then I could look into setting something up.

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I don’t mind late night rp in my guild but events will be at the normal hour.

It might be worth to check out Boralus. Although I’m not sure if they do late events, I do see people there late at the evening whenever I go there.

Our regular events run from 20:00RT
But we have quite a few people who do late night RP, and often organise late night escapades.

Thanks for the reply Ceralie, that’s very interesting to hear!

There are some days I’ll be able to make events starting at regular server time so Sunnyglade Ratters sounds like it would be the best of both worlds in that case. Is there someone I can reach out to on discord for more info about the guild?

This is our thread - [PCU] Alliance Free Company - Sunnyglade Ratters 🐀

Best way to reach us is in game

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