Are there any mog that looks decent on a pandaren?

I mog alot but find it very hard to find suitable mog on pandaren. Many armor pieces just look too bad when put on a pandaren, like some kinda parodi if you want to look like kungfu panda with some funny cloths.

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It might be subjective but i think what really bothers me is sometimes when my pandarean is wearing a transmog it gets extended because of tummy they have and it starts looking ridiculous

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I would have thought there were various sources out there on the net for inspiration.

I liked the anniversary set on my pandered monk

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So much this, I think it’s one of the best out of all anniversary sets.


I really do need to find a suitable weapon and farm it.

I’ve found plenty. Can’t give examples right now because I’m not at the computer though.

I am playing a female Pandaren of course - I have no idea how to make good male Pandaren transmogs.

Two things to be wary of when making Pandaren transmogs:

  1. The front of belts are HUGE. Belt pieces that are small on other characters will reach your feet. This can play to your advantage, but more often than not you should hide the belt outright, or find one that’s simpler.
  2. Shoulder pieces are comically large, but so is your head. Shoulder pieces should therefore either be unusually large or small. Standard size ones are going to look goofy.

I don’t know the class you play or taste you prefer.

For me, Pandarens generally look good in very simple mogs, cloth and leather from Vanilla and TBC which is what a lot of NPCs in Pandaria rock in (in combination with their rope-style belt). Females also look great in heavy armor.

Never had much problem with pandaren ,although the belly can be a challenge , because it streches som animations .
On the other side Kul’thiran , especially the male , look horrible in almost everything . Most clothes look like they are 3 measures too small , or are worn by some drunkard that just woke up and forgot to tuck their shirt in and lift their pants . Females don’t look much better in pants , but at least they look ok in skirts .

My favorite for my monk is the horde version of tyrannical gladiator. Not the helm though. Alliance is blueish and I’m not a big fun of it.

It seems that armor set are build on human bodies and they just looks terrible on many classes other than humans. Hopefully they will put abit more effort into the armors of other classes om the future. I only find skirts to fit my pandaren.


Some things look decent (I largely speak towards female pandaren, don’t play the males so often) - a lot of stuff from MoP (maybe obviously) - I particularly like the SoO sets. Various other things can look good too, the Blackrock plate set from WoD looks decent IMO. Obviously as already mentioned, the new anniversary monk set is nice.

I like what I’m wearing now on this, too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hidden looks good on panda

as in hide every slot

I think the green workman shirt goes well with any male panda. It’s hard to find good legs or boots that fit with it though. Most of my armor is hidden. Only got shirt, legs, main hand and off hand visible.

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