oh, OK. I did do that once but as I’ve little interest in the reps anymore I haven’t done that again. I have no real interest in the “Chores” in general anymore.
I have to go down there for Jaina anyhow as part of this Kirin Tor campaign. So I’ll speak with spider lady and pick on those again.
Thanks, very helpful. The game isn’t great at explaining things sometimes.
I think that before you pick a pact for the week there is a big blue exclamation mark in the middle that tells you about picking a pact. I’ll check tomorrow to see if it also says about activities locked behind it.
There is a portal in Dornagol in the dark cleft (i think thats what its called) that drops you into the area with the quarter master. If you pick a pact it will show the wqs for your whole acct for the week. Note, you need to pick up the fill the bar quest on all alts to get the chest.
Never noticed this but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, I don’t notice a lot of things.
I picked a pact yesterday, hopefully it’s still there today. Think the last time I picked one it stayed around for the few weeks it took me to finish it. I was really only doing the Pet Battle WQ and the story quests there.
Next time I see that City of Threads Pet Battle WQ I’ll just do all the families in one go. Normally I’d do one at a time but I have all the other WQs done for every family.
Pick an alt you barely play or have very little interest in. Pick up the Pact quest on that alt and then just park it for how ever long. WQ will be revealed for all.
Azkajet is really a good place to kill a few weeklies in btw.
WM Spark Quest (when available for Spider Kingdom)
6 x WQ weekly (when available)
Pact Weekly
Wax weekly
I’m somewhat ashamed to say I don’t know what Sparks are for.
I have some from some weekly quests. Are they for professions? I basically gave up on professions in DF.
Sparks is earned with WM on and can be exchanged for WM Champion Gear for open world PvP but seems to work for Instanced PvP Battlegrounds too while you collect conquest points for a slight higher ilvl gear approx +3 (ilvl 639 vs WMode Gear 636) both can be upgraded to HC ilvls using the usual stones and crests for PvE.
Personally a nice quick way to gear alts if you don’t have the renown tracks for the renown gear. Earning sparks is relatively quicker than conquest points.
Well, I can see the WQs there today, and the Pet Battle I need is up. So yay.
Frankly I don’t really care about the Pact itself. I’m winding down my wow engagement. I’m pretty much in Story Mode for TWW. Been to Siren Isle once, got a ring and left.
Not for me. I picked a couple of weekly quests up 3 weeks ago and never bothered to play the game for that time. Logged in today and all the quests I picked up in Dornagal were still in my quest log.
100 Discs
Pact Quest
Wax Quest
6 x WQ
The only ones that disappeared for me where the PvP quests, Weekly Dungeon, 5 x Time walking ones and the Siren Isle ones.
You want to go back to level up the ring assuming you have the gems. For me there were 3 Pink Triangles quests that gave me the ring upgrades. That is if you interested in the ring.
Not overly so. I got the ring and one of the yoke-a-jigs that goes in it. So I think I have a couple of empty sockets. My item level is 586, so that’ll indicate how much I care about gear just now.
You sound like me. I once had love and admiration for the game but since DF its dwindled to nothing more than a spark of I could not care a less. Just play out of sheer boredom or if I want some pvp activity. For the rest I am getting more entertainment out of ESO at the moment.
DF did kill my interest in gearing. I did my weekly checklist of World Boss, Feast, Siege, Superbloom, Researchers and probably other things. Got to 463 over a few months, then a patch hit and I had to start again. I was done with gearing from that point. So I went into TWW with most of those 463s with a few 480s from Pre Patch.
There are other factors at play though, my eyesight is getting worse. So I’m struglling with more and more things.
So I’m winding down slowly rather than going full Cold Turkey. I’m decompressing like deep sea divers do. I’m doing Bucket List type things. Every Heritage set. Insane title (maybe) and a few other things. I’ll do the story of TWW for as long as I’m hear. Not sure I’ll see out the whole expac.
Frankly the game is in state that is making this process a lot easier. I won’t miss Superblooms and Feasts and endless 3 ilevel upgrades.
Not sure these show up.
This was the only one I wanted but didn’t see it for months. Took a while to notice that the others weren’t showing either as I didn’t care about those.
So unless the Pet Battle WQ is very rare and it’s just coincidence that I saw it today (after choosing a Pact yesterday) then I think Pet Battle WQs also don’t show without a Pact.
Yes, you’re right, I got it mixed up with something else. You can’t pick up this week’s “version” though - which is obviously only an issue when you’re trying to get all that sweet renown