Than horde factionwise?
Just wondering if they are fewer or that some of them are too scared to pvp.
Than horde factionwise?
Just wondering if they are fewer or that some of them are too scared to pvp.
You’re on Argent Dawn so you connect to the RP Shards. In the RP Shards the Alliance outnumber the Horde easily and get all the underdog bonsues.
Ah i do have another character on a horde server whos not rp and they still get bonuses.
Ive heard alliance is in a pretty bad shape, is it true zugzug?
Apart from non-English speaking servers, to my knowledge most shards Horde are outnumbering the Alliance. But when it comes to RP Shards, it’s the opposite and the bonuses is a one size fits all fix, they can’t change it depending on shard. Which sucks for us on the RP shards as it just encourages more and more Alliance players to take the easy route. No risk, all the rewards + the bonuses.
On normal shards I don’t feel outnumbered.
Yes, we’re scared of you getting instakilled 3 times and then make a 5-20 man group to spam /spit on us while you have a pocket healer & tank
You’re in a unlucky shard, I can reassure you. The horde do Not fall short on players to pull into WM.
Images for reference
Just do what every other incapable player does when their incapable of dueling. Form a party, then a raid
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