Are there queues on Draenor (EU) server?


I’m looking for a new server and I’m thinking about Draenor EU. But I just wonder, since it’s the biggest (I guess) server on EU, are there any queues to log into the server on a daily basis?

Also how does it look during launch of a new expansion/patch? Are there queues before you can enter?

Thank you for answers!

There are no queues anywhere now, and are not in new patches.

In the next expansion, it is of course possible that there could be queues, but thare have been barely any since the start of Mists three expansions ago (Warlords problems were about sharding rather than queues) so I’d think it’s pretty safe.

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AH is very very slow though


So is putting stuff in the personal and guild bank.

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and using raid chat…

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and the mailbox…

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everything is lightning fast on my lightbringer
uhuhu! :>

dead server privileges :sunglasses::partying_face:

With sharding during launch only the very largest like Draenor had issues.

As people said banks and the AH still use the realm tech so there’s going to be lag there. Consider a smaller realm as there will still be more people, enough for a full AH and mythic guild and the rest you can cross realm.


not only the AH is very very slow though
to the OP, plz plz plz pick a different server, the lag is sometimes unbearable like yesterday night, general chat was full of it :frowning:

@Razogg: Currently, no servers have daily lockdowns… or even weekly.

Draenor has THE highest activity in the EU region, so it will be first to lock up during expansion launches. Also, as others have noted, the largest realms are strained in other ways even when there are no queues.

So, I would recommend choosing a slightly less crowded option, both for your own as well as others good. bows


I’m based on Draenor for Horde and Silvermoon for Alliance. I main Horde so it’s where I tend to spend most of my time.

When new expansions come out you have to be online in game in order to be able to take part in launch. Even then sometimes Blizzard has other ideas. Both Draenor and Silvermoon crashed for several hours before they could let us play on launch.

For the first month or so you can expect queues at peak times. We used to have to get raiders to log early to be on time for raiders. The AH and Guild bank were practically unusable. Those were fixed eventually and now we can use both but they can be sluggish at peak times still, but nothing like it was.

There are minor delays in raid chat and instance chat sometimes but I’m not sure they are server based. Even in pugs everyone seems to have the same issues and we’re from all sorts of servers. It takes a few seconds for things you type to appear.

Those are the down sides. The perks are, busy server, good economy, big pool to recruit from and large number of guilds.

No, there are no queues because all the servers are dying.

Yes there are ques during launch but on daily basis it’s very rare case for queue to be appeared.

At new expansion launch just go on vacation - don’t waste your time to play at launch.

Rest puny explained about server - it’s good progressing server so you will find more elite and toxic people here.

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