So you’re ignoring my question? Maybe you’re the one with the biased view at this point?
Well I do like that Sylvanas has been developed, being a Sylvie fan and what not, but I must admit I’m not 100% on all the lore as perhaps I should be. You might be a better judge than I in that regard.
Currently rectifying this
The only real mistake was that they made him try to assassinate Vol’Jin as well as torturing civilians during SOO.
Would have been a much more nuanced story if they had just kept the mantra of honourable but ruthless, and figured out another way to get the horde to turn on him than him straight up trying to murder Thralls old advisor.
Hmm I wouldn’t be posting here, but…
It’s rich that you’re a Garrosh loyalist when you’re a Darkspear Troll and Warlock.
You’d probably be the 1st that he’d put an axe to the head to make the example, you know.
Step om me Garrosh!
Some death knights fell in battle as heroes, others just got a little too kinky with the Warchief
I sincerely hoped Sylvanas would eventually kill that traitor during the war. How any member of the Horde could sympathize with Baine and eventually turn their back on their queen is beyond me.
Simple, some serve the Horde, some serve Sylvanas, but you can’t do both. A lot of just prefer not siding with the villain of the story
I hope we find him somewhere in the shadowlands so i can apologize.
I miss my true Horde without trills and warlocks. Trolls, what a useless race and a waste of resources.
I"m not into hardcore RP, nor am I a troll fanboy. I just like the model, so I play one and that’s it.
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