Are there subliminal messages in wow?

I was just playing my night elf priest on classic and I heard “Ishnu Allah”. Is this religious properganda?


There’s plenty of subliminal messaging in AQ, Howling Fjord and Ny’alotha, to name a few places.


Whatever it is you’re smoking, can I have some ?


And the weekend went on and on and on…


its propaganda, they want u to make allah snackbar asap!


The Night Elves are all about their religious propaganda - Elune-Adore and all that. Not sure that Islam had managed to reach Teldrassil before it’s burning, so (wild theory here!) it might just be a case of words that sound similar :thinking:

Quarantine is one long week-end…


Well while you are right about what you heard (granted it’s “Ishnu-alah”) it’s not religious propaganda.
It’s actually Darnassian or Darnassae which is the language of night elves.
“Ishnu-alah” means “good fortune to you”.
Here is a link to a useful page with alot of phrases you might hear while being around night elves.

Well apparently I can’t post links but if you google “Darnassian” there should be a few pages that will have the phrases.

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I was also looking up some Darnassian out of interest so hopefully this is the link you were trying to post:

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just use to embed your link.

edit: ffs

i meant those apostrophes or whatever its called.

Ishnu -alah = Good fortune to you (A greeting)

Darnassian - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft

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Anyway, anything that is timegated is brainwashing to stay in the game because the longer it takes to get something, the longer you have to Play and Bli$$ard gets more chances to get your Money.

I strongly believe they ignore every single Input until ist at the end of a patch to finally knick in and go like “yeah, we totally listen to your Feedback and implement it now, we’re so good haha”

Whoosh to you too

Thats not how it works but I knew you’re too dense to get it anyway, so Imma end the “conversation” we both had here and not let you drain both my Time and IQ even more. Cya

Interacting with you is always such a pleasure :woman_shrugging:

It’s not as if I was the first person to point out the Darnassian but by all means carry on. I seem to evoke this need to be unpleasant to, in some.


Love you too, Puny <3

Have a nice day

Edit: OP clearly knows what the night elf stuff means and made a joke not knowing this. So by playing the Informant and declaring what it means, he got you.

Aka you spoiled the joke and got wooshed.

Edit 2: My edit wasnt supposed to Sound passive aggressive or anything, just explained in case you didn’t got it

Yes that was the exact link I was trying to link.
Thank you very much.


Didn’t you know?
Teldrasil didn’t burn, they bombed it themselves XD
72 blood elf virgins are waiting for them


Don’t be daft, no such thing as (send me all your gold) subliminal messages.