Thats the only reason i can think of why the Hunter Hero Talents are so rubbish. There is nothing fun, visually or mechanically about them, its just a bunch of boring passives.
I wish, but the closest we will ever get to a rework we already got with TWW which was clearly done by an intern / temp hire now the best we can hope for is a few number tweaks at most
Given what happened to ret paladin, when they reworked the excellent DF rework, you don’t want a rework, they will find a way to make it worse…
Never doubt Blizzard’s endless spite for it’s playerbase.
Hero Talent reworks will probably drop mid expansion, if they do it like they did the talent tree overhauls in DF.
Classes that actually need it in my opinion are:
- Rogues (Trickster mostly)
- Hunters (2 total reworks and Sentinel that follows enemies)
- Shamans (Totemic mostly)
Honestly, if they had simply made Explosive Shot turn into an AoE Dark Arrow, then most of the problems would be fixed.
Also BM needs a buff to everything.
I hate reworks… my muscle memory is incredibly strong so having my rotation messed with vexxes me. That and I hate having to decide what talents to choose.
Don’t think we’ll see any major changes/reworks until there’s another bow/xbow/gun class added.
Then they might do a bigger rework to split up some abilities/talents. Similar to warlocks loosing that demon transform thingy when demon hunters were added.
We’re getting a major rework of Dark ranger in the next patch. Sentinel works just fine so far, both visually and in numbers.
Hopefully they will do rework to leader of the pack as well.
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