Are they really doing this?

good gamedesign called, said that progression must not be boring and be engaging for player, obviously you don’t know what a good game is.

It’s literally was presented as new way for flying system, for instance gw2’s flying literally works like dragonriding but it’s baseline.

And you say that classic’s leveling is superior because your mount is slow and you sometimes need to waste actual 20 minutes of time just to get somewhere? i think you just fail to see why classic leveling is engaging, and yeah i’m not a big fan of classic leveling, but i see why someone may like it.

not every increment is good, not everything about the system is great, if you like wasting thousands of gold just to traverse a little faster it’s nostalgia googles, it’s fun to gain new ability and become stronger, it’s NOT fun to traverse a little faster.
It’s also funny because veterans are devoid of trouble to farm gold for traversal, they just can mail it from main, “oh no i don’t have neccesity to mail gold to my alt, so sad, alexa play despacito”

That’s absolutely not what I’m saying. I haven’t even tried Dragonriding yet. I’m working my way up to it, levelling on retail (currently in BfA content at level 51).

The post is a criticism on the design philosophy of the game.

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you are so critical about things you didn’t even tried yet, so smart, i guess it’s how half of the wow redditors play game, i mean they are not playing or trying out, they just criticize things

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MMO players have somehow gaslighted themselves that wasting time is good for the game.

It is more enjoyable to have these things than to not have them. Dynamic flight is vastly superior than normal flying and also more engaging. With it becoming the default in 10.2.5 in the open world it makes no sense to lock it behind a wall and you still have to get flying to start dynamic flight.

Also I think that there will be a progression system where you upgrade the dynamic flight mounts like the one we have currently in DF(or so they said in some interviews) so there still be progression.

Is it really that bad that players now have a better way to navigate the open world?


Or you could just make the game fun.

What are you even talking about? You get dragon riding as soon as you enter the dragon isles

No it shouldn’t. Who are you to decide what it should be? Game needs to be fun from level 1, but new players get a boost anyway. Would even say that people with a max level char, need to be able to skip first 10 intro levels.

Actually, I do. I understand what progression means, for example, something you don’t seem to.
“Progression” is the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state. The operative word here being “gradually”.

“Progression” isn’t dumping every single new system you come up with on players and let God sort 'em out.

A new way to experience an existing system, yes. In other words, an improvement on it.
Don’t know anything about GW2. Did flying mounts exist prior to their current flying system? In other words, is their current flying system a revamp of a previous one? If so, then it’s equally misguided of them to make it the new system baseline, instead of an objective to progress to.

Not in and of itself, but partly, yes.
If I don’t understand why the levelling is regarded as more engaging, why don’t you tell me?

i didn’t said that you don’t understand what progression is, even kindergartener understands the concept of it, are you challenged? reread my message

do you imply that new flying system is not intuitive? and yes i mean new flying system, not upgrade of old one, that’s how blizzard inteded it. also starting from tww new main leveling expac will be dragonflight, it has tutorial for flying, don’t worry, even 5 years old will figure it out, and there’ll bee even progression for it, like new flying abilites, there are skill tree for dragonriding.

i said

you know why? because upgrades for your ability to combat your enemies are a meaningful choice, feeling that you are getting stronger than your enemies and you have more options to interact with enemies and even world around you (utility abilites) are great, rpgs are first and foremost about meaningful choices, progression is created for you to make meaningful choices actually meaningful, there is no meaning in farming gold to traverse a little faster, apart from that you’ll waste your time less.

That’s not exactly what I meant. My guess is, if Blizzard could rip TBC flying out of the game entirely, they probably would. In that sense I meant superior gameplay, and you don’t gate that, it’s not a reward. It’s a replacement of an old system they were never fully happy with themselves.

No it shouldn’t. Who are you to decide what it should be? Game needs to be fun from level 1, but new players get a boost anyway.

Why not give them dragonriding literally at level 1 then? Is that what you’d consider fun?

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introducing to faster traversing must be at later points of game to not overwhelm new players, it’s fine.
It’s not fine if you don’t have means to traverse fast 50 hours in game

Again, who are you to say what’s a meaningful or fun? For me it’s a lot more meaningful to be able to travel at +100% speed than, for instance, to unlock a 1% increase on critical strike.

I imagine most humans would share that sentiment.

you aren’t unlocking just that on retail, you unlock new abilities, your rotation changes, you gain more sense of your rotation, you can have a huge powerspike by unlocking keystone talent, you can have feeling of making a smart choice by combining unlock of your ability to gain more resource by auto-attacking and upgrading your ability to auto attack faster (just hypothetical simplified example).
What choice do you make by spending gold on “mount moves faster” hmm?

the choice to spend gold on a faster moving mount instead of on something else, like a piece of gear.

it’s obvious that you’ll always spend gold on mount movement speed at first opportunity, because without it your char travels godawful slow, traversal is number one priority for wow, it’s not a choice, it’s illusion of choice

Of course. The 1% versatility increase is the real choice. The fun one!

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are you trolling?

Yes, absolutely

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Nah, it doesn’t make sense from “character progression” standpoint, average new player won’t even have the mount yet, it would look jarring from any possible point of view.

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