Are Warriors bad in WPvP?

Pretty much what the title says.

Everywhere I go online, people are saying that Warrior will get pushed around by other classes if they don’t have a healer backing them up.

I can understand Arms needing a healer, but Fury…? I thought Fury would be VERY efficient at 1v1s, but according to the internet ALL Warrior specs (including Fury) is bad in 1v1s. Mostly because of “no self healing”.

Apparently if you want a plate class to WPvP with you gotta forget about Warrior, and instead go Pally or DK :confused:


I think fury would be good in w-pvp, the healing they get is disgusting if you can juggle when to use it etc. I don’t think arms would really stand a chance in a 1 vs 1, pala can mow down 90% of classes on their own very comfortably anyway just use skirmish for reference. against a paladin with 2 brain cells you’re either forced to trade all cds in first set of wings or you died to a high rolled crit.


Whoever said that Fury has no self heals was misinformed. I mean, sure it’s not as easy as sitting inside your protective bubble while smashing one heal key, or being brought back from the brink of death with one lay on hands.
Warriors have to work for their food. It’s tough, but it’s certainly not “bad”.


Fury warriors are good in WPvP, not the best ofc, but not bad. In other hand if WPvP about more than 5-6 players then anyway casters>melee.


Thank you very much :slight_smile: it gives me hope for the Warrior hearing from people that they are viable if I were to jump into WPvP.

I have one last question.

With purely 1v1s or 2v2s PvP in mind, does Warrior fall behind DKs? If so, by how much (virtually speaking of cause) :slight_smile:


they are not bad per se
there were some arms wars i beat as ret 1vs1
and then there is few times on my arms war i outplayed and beat sin and rets
just have to make them spend their cooldowns on something else including the bubble

i think its having 1 of each class and knowing their rotations do to counter them
p.s i think ret answer to rampage is blessing of protection first and not bubble


Warrior, specially in arms, is probably the weakest plate melee in the game. No self heal and has to take a talent for a stun.
In this mess of an expansion with that many cc and other self-heals from other class, you don’t stand a chance (against any player that know how to use 5 spells in their bar and not the bubble/wings macro pallys ofc).

In fury you have access to more base heal if talented, and a 2min cd which can heal you back to 100% IF you can score 2-3 hits to your target. Probably worst than the other melee dps out there, but it’s something at least.
But the mobility fury warriors have can help you a lot, jumping away from someone when he burst or to wait your cv is always useful and should be considered.


Yes ,

1 V 1 against people people with same skill level as you , Warriors are second worst class in WPVP

But lets be Honest here , DON’T YOU EVEN BOTHER MATE !

WPVP = 1 player Vs. raid group

You should not live , but if you somehow run from the raid group , you make them all look bad

Warriors are O.K. In WPVP 1v1, i have however quit my intrest in Warrior for the same reason, these days when i play Frost Mage and fight a Warrior i just die a little on the inside to see how bad the class i loved has become… I can take on 3 Warriors at the same time and they can’t even reach me… It’s sad…

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1 V 1 against people people with same skill level as you , Warriors are second worst class in WPVP

Like in 2s Arenas, i consider warriors as a class overall as the worst one in warmode and 2s.

Which class, with all its specs could possibly be worser than a warrior in warmode?

I mean you can make fury warrior work in warmode when the numbers are equal on both sides, maybe ideally a 1vs1, for the pure expierence.

The issue just is the fury warrior can be outplayed very easily by some if not most classes, but of course because its wpvp, you can adapt and use all sort of toys, potions, engineering as an equalizer.

But back to the original question, who could be worser than a warrior as a class in wpvp just looking at pure class design and nothing else(no corruption shenigans and so on)?

Can’t say that warriors are bad. I can stand on my own against most classes, but there are a few things to consider, if you want to make a PvP war:

  1. Arms won’t work. Spec fury.
  2. Spec and equip into survivabilty, not DPS. You have good sustained self heal, you need to outlive your oponents.
  3. Almost every fight is the “cooldown challenge”. Don’t use important stuff unless you use it as a counter to something your opponent just did. I.e. preserve things like charge, leap, regeneration and whirlwind etc.
  4. Play smart. Learn enemy classes. Most people follow same patterns of abilities in PvP. Learning those patterns is a key to victory.

nah, dude, you cannot defeat a 480 ilvl DH with pvp expierence in warmode, its simply not possible for a fury warrior, it wasn’t really possible in that azshara patch either with lower ilvl gear and no corruptions.

yeah, i admit i am that DH farming warriors every day i have some pvp expierence build up through the decades now, but this is a simple case of hard counter and some warriors i dueled did admit it. I can observe your cds as well and react to them just mines are way stronger to deal with you.

You can make an argument, that a superprepared rank 1 glad warrior in warmode could kill any class that might be the case, but on average the warrior on his own will be 100% bend over to a DH.

And i am sure there are more classes that can counter him this hard, maybe arcane mage, too. probably unholy dk as well, feral and assa rogue with some kiting and restealths.

Better buff warrior, i wanna start play one, and i want to play arms so better buff arms, to be more specific!

The class simply isn’t good in pvp in BfA, not even with a healer in 2s.

I know its the warmode sub forum, but there is no rating site for that, so this is the closest we have to determine warrior as a class performance and its the lowest popular class on glad ranking in 2s(2,1%) if you lookt at arenamate 2,4k.

While they are really a joke in warmode, yeah even fury!

Again pls buff!

(yeah the whole class not some odd exotic spec!)

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