nah, dude, you cannot defeat a 480 ilvl DH with pvp expierence in warmode, its simply not possible for a fury warrior, it wasn’t really possible in that azshara patch either with lower ilvl gear and no corruptions.
yeah, i admit i am that DH farming warriors every day i have some pvp expierence build up through the decades now, but this is a simple case of hard counter and some warriors i dueled did admit it. I can observe your cds as well and react to them just mines are way stronger to deal with you.
You can make an argument, that a superprepared rank 1 glad warrior in warmode could kill any class that might be the case, but on average the warrior on his own will be 100% bend over to a DH.
And i am sure there are more classes that can counter him this hard, maybe arcane mage, too. probably unholy dk as well, feral and assa rogue with some kiting and restealths.
Better buff warrior, i wanna start play one, and i want to play arms so better buff arms, to be more specific!
The class simply isn’t good in pvp in BfA, not even with a healer in 2s.
I know its the warmode sub forum, but there is no rating site for that, so this is the closest we have to determine warrior as a class performance and its the lowest popular class on glad ranking in 2s(2,1%) if you lookt at arenamate 2,4k.
While they are really a joke in warmode, yeah even fury!
Again pls buff!
(yeah the whole class not some odd exotic spec!)