Are we ever gonna get more glyphs?

It’s extremely lacking in the glyph department. Not only are the visual changes the glyphs add really lacking(besides demon pets) but there haven’t been any new ones in absolute ages, glyphs that actually affect player spells visually. Every class i play, there is practically nothing to choose from and it’s such a disappointment.

As much as i’d love to have like a 100 glyphs per class to choose from…i would at least appreciate far more than now.


Glyphs were abandoned by Blizzard, it’s an old system that in the current version only causes bugs :slight_smile: For example, my Shadowfield has been stuck in the form of a Lightspawn for two expansions now ^^ and from what Blizzard wrote two years ago, the problem is unsolvable XD So I highly doubt it.


I don’t think that makes a lot of sense. They continue to update various visual effects for classes yet somehow glyphs, which are a big part of it, are neglected. It’s just such a shame because the system has such a massive potential. Not only that but it would gives classes, players individuality, uniqueness when you have a lot of options to choose from…that’s a big deal in RPGs.

Oh wow! You have something unique in the game (I think?). That’s cool!

On the topic, I kind of miss the inscription and glyphs but thinking about it now, those were just a borrowed power that lasted 1 or two expansions. I think the main problem was that they made it a profession. It’s hard to keep profession / glyphs up to date when the skills they affect changes every expansion (minor exaggeration here)

Stuck with it since the start of Dragonflight. I bloody hate that lightspawn now, and its stuck on my main. At least if i play Voidweaver, I don’t have to look at lt.

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I’d love to see glyphs come back. They added an extra level of customization for your character even if it was limited.
It was a little bit of ingame fun that could have has so many opportunities, but amounted to just another thing cast to the wayside by Blizz

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