I have at least one of every profession and complete the patron work orders daily for them.
However one is a stand out and that’s blacksmithing, this one has the most ridiculous orders of them all. There is always one or two in each that’s not worthy to do, but BS usually has 4-5 or even more. Here is an example for today:
I completed only 2 work orders today of which 1 was a fully provided mat order and for the other I needed to provide a core alloy, but the rest speaks for itself:
These are the mats i need to provide to complete them all for the rewards that are under the list. (Additionally for 2 I didn’t have the recipe, but that’s nothing new to get orders for unlearned recipes.)
Yea BS is total BS … Another one that stands out is Leatherworking .
Honestly I think they should just make the patrons provide all blue and epic mats always .
Pretty sure there is a statics that blizzard can check to see that hardly anyone completes these work orders . Like hell I’m gonna dump 10k+ gold for 1 or 2 knowledge points .
And than people come looking for rank 5 636 craft and offer you 150-500 gold crafters fee . OK
Just dont do those epic item work orders, the race for getting the most KP has long passed so by now you should have the most profitable specializations unlocked.
I ignore all ironclaw alloy (way way waaaaay to ore intensive to spend on patron orders) and charged alloy patron work orders (mats too rare to spend on patron orders, but less ore heavy atleast), or generally all epic crafts that do not offer all materials.
I also mine and doing my weekly mining to get my mats in I tend to get more then enough ore to complete patron orders to get most of the knowledge point, got a total of 9 yesterday for crafts that only required me to donate some ore or a core alloy. Some weeks are worse then others but in general things always tend to even out, weeks where a lot of KP is on the epic crafts tend to be followed up by weeks without it.
So far I have not have had issues getting enough KP from patron orders, yes some orders are rediculously goofily unrewarding, but if you do your weekly mining you should get enough ore to pick up most patron order crafts without having to touch the AH once.
You can see wether a patron orders offers none, some or all mats now, I’d say keep an eye out and only click the purple patron orders when it says provided: all
Yea had the same thing. All purple orders and even with catch up of 1 KP. total of double number charged alloys like I looked at it and was like "bliz fire the person who thought this up, why make me log and feel disappointed. I am sure this not how a game should make me feel…
most of the time you have to fill the expensive mats yourself.