Are we supposed to hate ourselves for helping the Kyrians

Well, given the manifestations of the burdens these Kyrian try to get rid of, maybe the tones come from accepting and fusing with them.

After all, these manifestations are often greyish smoke creatures with dark palettes.
Maybe the dark tones symbolise these Kyrian being impregnated with said essences to the point they are reflected externally and affect their blue complexion.

Ps: This was all some Brain flatulence I came up with on the go. But it could make sense, right?

Sounds like it could fit, yeah. Hm, and considering that this seems to be the same kind of stuff as we see in the Maw… might this actually open them up to a bit of Jailer-influence? The road from “I don’t want to give up my memories!” to “I’m gonna burn down the system and everyone who upholds it” to “well, yeah, let’s go Mawsworn, Jailer ftw” seems to be a bit steep…

That’s…beyond my capabilities.
I honestly can’t rationalise said leap.

Failed to do so when we were in the Beta, and still failing to do so now we are live. Maybe I’m lacking some additional info from the Kyrian campaign (which I’ll have to experience through either friends or YouTube vids, because I cba with said covenant), but to this day, I just can’t link these stances logically.

Getting high on negative emotions to the point I start supporting Satan is the sort of route I can’t comprehend or take as “logical”. And don’t know if that’s Blizzards intention, or if we may lack an additional puzzle piece to be unveiled in further patches.

Because it’s just stupid and lazy writing. Granted, we don’t know what exactly the Jailer told Devos to convince her, but still.
We do know the Forsworn have a valid point, Bastion’s system is flawed and needs reworking. And also, that simply addressing the problem didn’t do the trick. Couldn’t they just have been antagonists to the Kyrian without joining forces with the big bad of this expansion? Was that too “morally grey” for Blizzard?

It’s just so disappointing.

the campain seem to indicate that not all know of the alliance with the jailer even Uther does not seem to know.
But it also indicates that the jailer told Devos what the arcons did to him and for that she joined with him.
And at the end of the spire deungon the arcon herself says they may have reevaluate the way they do things.

Whatever aspirants are expelling out of themselves for whatever reason looks just like what we see in the Maw.

What is extracted in the Maw:

Abilities used by a “memory” of Pelagos, as well as any other aspirant I’ve encountered:

Once upon a time there was such thing in WoW rpg

Gorribal the Dark Seether is a sword that was forged from one of the two Shatterbound fragments of Gorshalach. Wielded by Sargeras, this weapon embodies the darkness that exists in all beings, even noble ones. If this weapon is ever combined with the other fragment, which has been reforged into Taeshalach, then Gorshalach will be reborn, although this can only be done by a non-evil being.

But overall this topic of what is this darkness that can be seen in every aspirant and in the Maw not yet explored. Maybe that could be a reson for a such transformation.

gl hf

As a horde player, its kinda run of the mill for me by now :stuck_out_tongue:


But my take on Kyrian perspective is :

Afaik the Shadowlands has been operating relatively smoothly since time immemorial (maybe some hiccups along the way but nothing overly devastating). So they have no reason to believe that their way is not the right way: It is right because it works. Its only since the introduction of radicals that the Shadowlands has started to suffer.

And who are we to say they are wrong? If the Shadowlands is a construct and the Kyrians one of its cogs, they might have to operate that way for it to work. If they didn’t it might bring catastrophe to Death, or even the entire Cosmos.

So Kyrians operate in the most pragmatic of ways: self-sacrifice for the needs of all. They require (and become the embodiment of) pure selflessness.

And, if you disagree with their methods you’re not necessarily wrong, but you’ll just find yourself in a different place when you die.

“I will give you a rank 3 legendary.”

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Well, we saved Baine for 46 gold, so that seems like a better deal overall.

gl hf


Hm, 46 gold… how much beef can you get from one Tauren?

That’s a hard question. In TBC manual male taurens were about the height of a female draenei, but now after the model update either draenei got smaller or taurens bigger.

We would need to ask some goblins. Or that lady selling Inky Black potions…

gl hf

Essential accessory for questing in Bastion!

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I think the kyrians is Blizzards way to show, that the light side is not always the best one, and preparing us for an light/naru expac or even a patch in the shadowlands about it. where the ligth literaly are the bad guys.

The Kyrians have nothing to do with the Light, they even tell us this during this weeks Necrolords-Campaign.

“Light, Void… such trifles have no purchase here […]”
Said by Xandria, one of the Paragons.

The Shadowlands are completely seperate to the Light / Void conflict, and while there were incursions by the Light and the Void, none of the Factions in the Shadowlands is aligned with either.

no they dont, but if you look how the hole zone looks like, it is pretty much showing how a suposedly honored faction can be little bit bad also, what kind of is a direct indication to the good guys can be the bad guys in the end.

Which is rather comical IMO given how close was the Void to destroying Bastion, and that the location itself has sun-touched creatures, light coming from the ground, having the same soothing chime effects as what could be seen in naaru, and even their waterfalls look like “liquid light” if such thing would exist.

Although I have to admit, the kind of light that I see is not so much of “holy” version associated with naaru, but more of a sun variant.

gl hf

I dont see any problem with kyrians. If it works dont change it.

My main problem with the Kyrians is actually that they would require quite a bit of philosophical depth to work… more than the authors of such a game could ever hope to deliver. Kyrians are supposed to spend their lives in contemplation about virtues, and yes, philosophy, especially moral philosophy. Wisdom is one of their main virtues, with its own dedicated temple and acolythes. And they can spent eons there, learning philosophy. There is a reason why they chose the greek aesthetics, Plato’s kingdom style. And seeing how the people that come there come from all kinds of worlds and livestyles, they should have been able to come up with some pretty good arguments for the position they chose to adopt in the end, that can withstand quite a wide range of challenges.

And what we get is… “Trust the process, we know what we are doing, don’t think about it too hard”. Well, that’s certainly not the main argument I would expect from these kinds of people. Of course that sounds unconvincing to the players. That’s certainly not well-argued philosophy. That just sounds cultish. Now I personally didn’t take that as a good representation of the kyrian philosophy. I took it as shorthand for setting up the plot, by writers who could never argue the case convincingly, in a medium that really isn’t made for this kind of discussion. But if you take what you see as the whole philosophy… well, the people who spent their time philosophizing there can only be indoctrinated and brainwashed, because what we are told certainly cannot be the result of critical thinking and philosophical analysis.

In other contexts a lack of philosophical depth in the game usually isn’t a problem. But the theme of the Bastion conflict is set up to be a discussion about personal identity. Philosophy always has to be the basis for that. And if the arguments aren’t clear, the conflict isn’t clear. And suddenly you get someone who sees the Kyrians as the NS-guys, because their arguments sound as fake as they are.

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Honestly the Kyrians are poorly done (a blizzard issue because of nuance) and are shown as being dogmatic fanatics to a particular cause “Their Purpose” or however it gets fed into the game story.
The Forsworn are shown as more free thinking and sceptical, open to debate and questioning the area around them.

The irony comes from the fact that Blizzard seem to pedestal the unthinkingly unerring dogmatic cult the Kyrians have as being “The good guys” while the Forsworn are our enemies and are so because they have freedom of thought and seek an alternative to having your sense of individuality, your past and identity being erased and turned into a cog to serve a machine.

Its really interesting and poor optics but Blizzard don’t care, I mean they went all in with the current year trendy fake progressiveness, completely disingenuously altering their own history and setting to the current modern day Overton Window.

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…they are going all the way to “join us or die” on the Kyrians. That’s open-mindedness? At some point I wonder if we were playing the same game. We can argue about how ominous and cultish the Kyrians are supposed to be, but that the Forsworn are violent terrorists with all the ideological zeal that requires is not really something that should be news to anyone who quested there.

I can understand the “both sides here seem terrible!” position. But the “the Forsworn are actually the good guys!” idea is something that just baffles me.