aRE you farming honor ptS?

Lichborne stop dont oh man he did it
No… lichborne no…


They wont forget,they dont want you to have such advantage.New expac is supposed to be fresh start for everyone if they did not reseted honor level it would be unfair to all players as If i grinded like 100k or even more which is easy to do i could insta buy best honor gear and even upgrade it, then go play pvp and beat everyone.I hope they will convert it to gold that is atleast some good compensation.

Honor points will not transfer to SL. 100%

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How can you know this info? They never ever reseted Honor points in the past. Only conquest :wink:

Because if it stays for sl it will annoy pvers. You thing that blizzard allow you to insta buy pvp set after ding because you farmed honor last expansion?

They always reset honor.

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