Are you for the Alliance or for the Horde in Dragonflight?

I am for Azeroth in Dragonflight.


Sir, We are not happy to be in the same team with you and the likes of you either
Anyhow prepare for a visit from a highly trained Vulpera SWAT team on a strict asparagus diet to pee on your backpack at night

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I’ll stay Horde until void elves can be DH. At this point it’s just a matter of time.

Always been Horde. Always been this Hunter. I’m a creature of habit so won’t be changing now.

Neither, I am for…


the cute little ducks!!

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Yeah but are you the member of the Bloodbills, a Horde aligned faction of them or one of the Windwings, an Alliance allied one?

Horde! We want worgen as the horde!

We are the worgen, we are the wolf race, we have the large furs and we are capable of fighting against orcs and tauren

I will play both :grinning:

No we are not!
We want Kaldorei Worgen :kissing_heart:

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They meant hotties irl :stuck_out_tongue: You should see one of the chicks in our pvp community :smile:

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While in my heart I am for the horde, right now with the talent trees I can right now only get my Druid and my Warlock which both where created during alliance times. So unless I get the feeling for my other classes back and realize how to see behind the new talent tree, it will be alliance.

Alliance player girls are hot too! Before my guild was devoured by oblivion, we had quite a few! In fact, they even found their future fiancé in WoW
Well some of them found Hordies but… love conquers all!


That’s true and cute!

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Just quickly level a warlock and or druid on the horde whilst the 50% xp buff is still active and also remember that on the 6th the anniversary event starts so thats another 18% xp buff for a few days on top of darkmoon buff next weekend.

The buffs align for around 1 week to make levelling fairly fast before pre patch actually starts and catch up gear is available before launch.

Alliance for ever. Only good horde is the one in the shredder.

I vote against this.

Everyone is capable to fight orcs or taurens. One exterminated by centaurs and the others by humans :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve played both alliance and horde in the past…
For df I don’t know…I was thinking horde but that means undead, blood elf and vulpera for me…meanwhile in alliance I can play anything except gnomes.
However, I don’t know if I’ll play df at all.
There is a great possibility I’ll stick with wotlk after the first season. Only PvP.
If it was in my hand I would just disband the factions altogether OR create a 3d faction that stand as mercenaries of a kind and has races from both horde and alliance.

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You must be alliance then

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I play elves.

Home is where my friends are.

I’m a double agent so… both. :+1: