Are you for the Alliance or for the Horde in Dragonflight?


Thought I’ll be going alliance, but these tauren rogues are irresistible.

Horde is for the hotties, simple as


I will be mainly alliance but I will play some horde aswell

Excuse you, we have Night Elves, Draenei, Void Elves, Worgen and Humans… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Those girls are flaming HOT (to the point, Teldrassil, Argus, Silvermoon, Gilneas and Stormwind burned down…)

Probably… except my Vulpera and Nightborne, I am mainly Alliance
Not by alligance, just I don’t have any other choice; would be independent if I could


Ok, I can agree with the draeneis and Nelfs… But horde 4life

Not sure yet.

I’ve got the classes I’m considering to play on both factions.

Horde has my heart.

I like the variety in races. I dabble in playing Ally sometimes and there are surely races, characters and places I like, but overall the faction has a bland feel to me and I prefer to play characters that don’t resemble me at all in a fantasy game that offers this kind of variety.

Ally as always!

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Horde until they give me nelf/velf paladins. Unless they give me nightborne paladins…

I don’t really care these days tbh. Just playing my main.

Mostly Horde.

For the alliance :dragon:


I’m sticking with Horde, I did try one expansion as Alliance but I ended up going back to the Horde.

At least now cross faction is a thing you can still play with your friends if you go Alliance.

I would say in 2022 we all should be one. lets unit alliance and hordes into one.

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When I started playing WoW on launch day way back when I wanted to be Horde, I just thought most of their races looked better.

Unfortunately me and two friends wanted to begin in the same starter zone and from what I remember that had to be Night Elf so we could all play the class we wanted to be.

I was then stuck with alliance.

Eventually I created a Undead Mage to play from time to time and kill some other players on my server from alliance.

Apart from a very brief stint on horde (we ended up faction changing back soon after), I’ve always played as alliance.

No-one I used to play with plays any more, and I haven’t played shadowlands at all. In fact I couldn’t even tell you the last expansion I played regularly.

But I’ve decided to come back and play for DF and have been busy levelling Horde characters as I want to go full Horde this time.

I’m on 6 x 60 characters now, working on a few more.

It’s Horde time :smiley:

I will play Horde, mainly, and I will be raiding with Alliance (and with my Horde guild from time to time).

I want to be Horde, but then I would have to be on the same faction as Vulperas…

Alliance forever !!!


Alliance always!


Horde 'cuz Orcs.

Same, but for Tauren mage. In fact I have two mages, the main one is now Tauren, and this “forum posting” one will remain Kul Tiran. :slight_smile: