Are you gonna resub?

I can totally relate to the “sighing on logging in” sentiment. I think my sub runs out in March, I cancelled the other day. I just decided Shadowlands and it’s content for the foreseeable future is not for me :slight_smile:


Okay punyelf is my friend. You, Athena, are a thug.

Said everybody in BFA but about 9.0.1 patch


Of course I will, I enjoy the game.

If you don’t enjoy the game anymore then cancel your subscription. This is just a game in the end.

This expac is better than BFA, but i wont resub. I play till January 2, and thats it.


Already cancelled my sub. Will probably play at least a little till it expires late January, but won’t resub unless there are massive changes.


I’m fairly certain that I will renew for at least a couple of months. Stuff to do and reputations to grind ya know.

Then we’ll see.

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I always have my sub running, even when I’m not playing.
This game has given me a lot in return, it’s brought me joy in sad times.


Actual state of game brings sad times to me actually, but yeah, in WotLK and Cata era WoW was my remedy for all bad things.

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On a six month subscription and see no reason to cancel. I’ll be here when the next xpac rolls around.

Yeah. Back to private…


Really i find this far worse than legion, i actually liked that i had reason to level a character of every class the systems were not overly punishing and challenging stuff was OPTIONAL this feels worse than BFA i managed to hack it for quite a few mounths before me and my guild got fed up and left, now i am on the verge of unsubbing.

[quote=“Gizmoro-auchindoun, post:14, topic:225290”]
Shadowlands has doubled down on time consuming boring activities. They must be going all out on player retention.
[/quote]and this is another reason why except unlike legion it is done for everything.

I’m subbed for 5 months but at this rate i take a break because i’m not really enjoying shadowlands atm Supposed to be alt friendly but its not
Torghast is a sh*t show obviously Seems to be made for healers and tank not dps

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I’ve never unsubbed since 2006… So… No. Is the awnser.

I have 7 days left and don’t think I will be and here is my resoning:

  • I dislike the community: The community has changed over the years and it’s got to the point where I don’t want to be part of it more so now than ever before. I am not the best player and I haven’t invested my time in raiderIO for example so I can’t possibly progress in the game anymore beyond random heroics and LFR. I get declined for everything and when people find out I am not pulling the perfect dungeon run I just get showered with verbal abuse.

  • I dislike the time gates: I understand the rational behind it, save players from themsevles so they don’t burn out on content within 2 weeks by playing 24/7 but for me time gated content isn’t fun. I hate doing 1 hour of a campaign to have to wait again to unlock the next part of the story.

  • I can’t help but feel like I am wasting my time: This is a personal subjective point. I am 30 and have been playing since I was 15. I have been on and off playing WoW for all those years and it’s starting to become clear that I feel my time is simply wasted. The gear treadmill never ends and something better will undo all the work I put in on the current patch.


I dont see how this is related to sub

Im not gonna resub though, played enough sub rogue in bfa

For me, i bougt an RX 5700xt card just for this xpac, I’v sold it just the other day, and now I run Shadowlands on my Ryzen 5 3400g.
Thats how much I care about this xpac.

I swear there was a time you could freeze your game time, or am I confusing wow with another sub based game?

OT, yes I unsubbed once i couldn’t progress my char any further by the activities I find fun in this game.
Renown 22 to upgrade bg gear. Yeah I’m not gonna be paying for a game I’m not gonna be playing for a month anyway…

Sounds 100% worth buying then by the sounds of it

Glad I didn’t bother, cheers.

Gearing is so slow now Atleast in bfa world quest had gear and upgraded flight whistle Now world quest give rep gold or anima or pet battle items if you do a pet battle world quest And when there finally was a gear world quest i already was wearing somthing better