Are you gonna resub?

If you are still around, want to add me? No pressure but it might be fun to get together on discord and look at/play some of the old games :slight_smile:

B-tag: Sienna#1501

I bought another token because it’s not so expensive, but I think I will not use it, don’t feel like I want to keep playing right now

Wait till you start gearing and realise how flawed it is.

My sub renews in Feb. Gonna play unitl then and if there’s no positive changes by that date, then I’ll not be renewing. Maybe a few months away from the game will give them time to fix things. If not, well there’s plenty of new games out there

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Well I am 199 right now. Hopefully after this weekend I will be 200+. And I am a super casual full time job/dad/husband/family guy. Yes sometimes you do like 8 m+ runs and get anima but there are other sources of loot. Wb, pvp, weekly events, raids, and whatnot.
Imo the game is fine, and for sure way better than the last expansion.

I really enjoy SL. They did a really great job imo. Won’t be canceling my sub any time soon.

Most likely not, the drop chance is killing me, I did 5 mythics plus yesterday, that’s around 2.5 hours of dungeons, 0 drops, this 20% it too bad.

SL is not “alt friendly” for people who cant grid 6hours a day.

Playing as a dpr for pve content is like an idle mobile game, just wait 25m you find a group, or go healer(which is what I do now) or tank and find a group in less then a minute.

The lore is a joke, but that’s beside the point.

Honestly, I can’t believe that you are “super casual” and being 199ilvl. Something is just no adds up, Im a casual too but I did played a lot recently did some raiding, m+, world bosses etc and still at 191 ilvl. So maybe you were just really lucky and got loot from everywhere or you aren’t that casual because 199ilvl requires fair amount of grinding with this new “good” system.

post edited


I play everyday from 21:30(depending on the baby going to sleep or not :joy::rofl:) till maybe 23:30-00:00, after that I am spent because I wake up at 06:00, work from 07:30 to 16:30 and sometimes you to 19:00+ depending on work load (carpenter here). So yeah, might have been lucky, or not (10 runs Necrotic Wake so far no legs :sob::sob::sob:). But like I said I am fairly casual due to mostly time restrictions.


Honestly man that really does sounds like bull, not calling you a liar, but I play more then that, and I’m at ilevel 180, some days a can play 4hours stright, back to back dungeons and get no drops

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Well yeah, you were just really lucky with the drops then I guess. Gratz.

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I feel that pain profoundly (10 runs NW +7+ no legs… Got ring and shoulders which where ilvl upgrades but no legs…)

I won’t be re-subbing. I just cancelled and it runs out on Boxing Day. It’s too time consuming for little rewards. I went to Torghast as Affliction and it was a nightmare, I had to change to Demonology.

I also thought that the Anime, Renown and Stygia was going to be optional but then realised you can’t upgrade your legendary, unlock WQ and even your faction quests and systems without it. So yes, it’s certainly possible but only if you like to stay the same.

The world is really small and I seriously doubt you’ll ever get flying here. All in all, they’re too many different things you have to grind to unlock and it’s eating my life away and I don’t find it fun at all.

I’m not even going to try a dungeon because of the low drop rate, I just won’t be able to keep it up. I realised that the only thing I really loved in this expansion is the Venthyr, but that’s it.

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Yeah, I think I’m just gonna uninstall it.

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Its payed until 2026.

Yes, with all its problems, WoW is still that good.
Thats my opinion, you are free to disagree and we can all go drink a beer later on.
(Oh, wait… Covid…)

pvp is trash

This is what i really dont get. Its not even been a week and the WF is almost over, Pieces are offering free heroic carries to people who have a heroic ilvl weapon and are paying gold to the people they carry for trading loot, what im trying to say with this is that the 500 people blizzard are traying to hinder are still finding ways to work around the systems.

So why indeed are we still beeing met with unfun systems that really do not serve any purpose exept to annoy the player base ?

Hell there is even a tread on the US forums coming from someone that was all for “meaningfull choice” and “identity” finally admiting they were wrong and the community just prefered the “1%” dps increase instead of the meaningfull identity.

Which translates that you got carried by your friends/guild then.

At least say it that way : Look dudes, I join a friend/guild/paid group. I’m usually just chilling and if something drops, they give it to me because…reasons. That’s why my ilvl is 199. What did you think? That you can have this ilvl with 2 hours a day like me? /LMFOASHAHA

There! You welcome…

Your are so right