Are you happy with wow token prices?

Isn’t it too high? I think it should be something more accessible for all, as goblins say “time is money friend!!!”

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You mean the 20€ price, or the 370k gold (or what it is now)?

The token is advertised as being based on supply and demand. If its price goes up, it means that more people are purchasing tokens through gold to convert it to playtime or Blizzard balance. If its price goes down it means more people are paying real money to get in-game gold.

With the patch we’ll see its price go up most likely, as some players will pay for a month through their accumulated gold.


I mean the auction house price, yes around 370k right now

Too low. Can’t buy much with that gold in today’s economy.


Just wait for wednesday it’s going to go up :smiley:

no please no no no :sob:

Don’t care?
Never bought a token, and never will.
Could just remove them from the game and would make no difference to me.

Why up ? It’s based on supply and demand. If more come back and flood the AH with tokens then its only going to drop. Not by much given the active accounts rumor mill, but it will drop slightly.

I have been making gold playing lots of different content, and buying all shop stuff that way is my goal, i would rather it stay, but get cheaper a lil

Don’t think that token will ever see the 80k mark ever again. For that the player numbers need to go back to 8mill + if not more.

I was thinking about people coming back and using their golds to pay for game time

Those that buy tokens for gold are always going to be happier when it gives them more. Those that buy game time or convert to balance are always going to like it when it’s lower.


Like me, gonna buy everything on shop with gold only!


And the people that effectively pay your sub would prefer it higher for it to be worth us paying money for the gold. If you want it to be around 200k that would last about a week for raid and m+ consumables

I bought one at the start of this expansion to buy enchants and gems and craft gear on my characters and then it was gone :joy:

In that first month i bought either 7 or 8 tokens through mining and herb gathering which bought me a lot of shop stuff on discount. Token price was low, material prices were flying above deathwing, IT WAS LIKE HEAVEN. I wish it stayed like that :sob:

i dont even know what to do with 300+ gold. if I was a classic player tho, heck yea I need that gold for spells and upgrades.

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You dont know what to do with gold in retail? Ever thought donating it to a noob player? Well I am that noob player lol


I´m a weird one… i hoard stuff just incase i need it… you should see my bags in rpgs,


I am not that different as a collector, i collect everything

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