I don’t feel hyped at all, to me Dragonflight kind of feels like the bad expansion before the good one. I hope i am wrong, but it seams like it doesn’t really have much to offer…
I mean sure, there is a new class, but who asked for it ? Like, seriously who actually wanted Evokers ? I was seeing online threads about Tinkers, Dark Rangers and Necromancers, but Evokers ??? There was that one leak, which sounded way better than what we got, but apart from that i didn’t really notice a lot of talk about Evokers.
Yes, there are the “new” talents, which are basically your class from Shadowlands in talent form, only with fewer spells and abilities. Maybe you can customize it a bit for AOE or ST, but from what i see, it doesn’t really give you much options, rather it limits them, because half of your talents are mandatory.
There is a new zone. But it feels just like any other we have had before, there is nothing unique about it. It just feels like nostalgia from WOTLK, only bigger.
Dragonriding, which is literally just Guild Wars 2 griffon, which is fun in GW2 because not everyone has it and it’s mostly ground mounts so it makes you feel good about having it. But in dragonflight, everyone has a dragon and the novelty will run out very quickly.
And the profession overhaul, which is fine i guess…But it just feels like the rest, mediocre at best. Random talents which you have to grind out, doing the same exact s**t you did before. Only this time you can have a +1% increase in rarity talents…
Ough, also the dungeons you did in previous expansions and a new raid… I see stupid Youtubers hype DF constantly. It great this, it’s awesome that, ouuugh the new amazing talent trees, WAIT until you try dragon riding it’s going to blow your mind. The new old gameplay becuase you get a couple of spells you had 10 years ago is greater than ever.
Basically what they did when Shadowlands was coming out and we all know how that turned out to be…
I just don’t see it. Dragonflight making WOW a good …And i hope i am wrong, i want to love this game, it just feels like this is Vanila 2.0 and if it doesn’t kill WOW maybe the next expac is gonna save it.