Are you hyped for Dragonflight?

I don’t feel hyped at all, to me Dragonflight kind of feels like the bad expansion before the good one. I hope i am wrong, but it seams like it doesn’t really have much to offer…

I mean sure, there is a new class, but who asked for it ? Like, seriously who actually wanted Evokers ? I was seeing online threads about Tinkers, Dark Rangers and Necromancers, but Evokers ??? There was that one leak, which sounded way better than what we got, but apart from that i didn’t really notice a lot of talk about Evokers.

Yes, there are the “new” talents, which are basically your class from Shadowlands in talent form, only with fewer spells and abilities. Maybe you can customize it a bit for AOE or ST, but from what i see, it doesn’t really give you much options, rather it limits them, because half of your talents are mandatory.

There is a new zone. But it feels just like any other we have had before, there is nothing unique about it. It just feels like nostalgia from WOTLK, only bigger.

Dragonriding, which is literally just Guild Wars 2 griffon, which is fun in GW2 because not everyone has it and it’s mostly ground mounts so it makes you feel good about having it. But in dragonflight, everyone has a dragon and the novelty will run out very quickly.

And the profession overhaul, which is fine i guess…But it just feels like the rest, mediocre at best. Random talents which you have to grind out, doing the same exact s**t you did before. Only this time you can have a +1% increase in rarity talents…

Ough, also the dungeons you did in previous expansions and a new raid… I see stupid Youtubers hype DF constantly. It great this, it’s awesome that, ouuugh the new amazing talent trees, WAIT until you try dragon riding it’s going to blow your mind. The new old gameplay becuase you get a couple of spells you had 10 years ago is greater than ever.
Basically what they did when Shadowlands was coming out and we all know how that turned out to be…

I just don’t see it. Dragonflight making WOW a good …And i hope i am wrong, i want to love this game, it just feels like this is Vanila 2.0 and if it doesn’t kill WOW maybe the next expac is gonna save it.


Which should of never been a thing… The talents should of built on top of the classes rather than destroy them like they’ve done.
And all of these people saying it’s for lvling? With the lvling xp curve being lowered too? Get outta here…

DF dont seem like the best expansion, hopefully the raid and the new dungeons are fine…


I learned to not board on the hype train after two failed expansions, so no. If it’s good it’s good, i keep my expectations low


Mrrrm not currently. I’m looking forward to playing it but I’m not especially hyped. That’s because I have something else to do, though. Not because I think it looks bad.

Haha, that’s pretty much the reason i’ll play Dragonflight when it comes out. I just have nothing better to do… :frowning:


Quite hyped yes. Looking forward to returning back to Azeroth!


nah bud… least hyped i been for a expansion to date…

i was even more hyped for shadowlands…


Which means No more Shadowlands and must take Denathrius to Azeroth!

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Yeah sure. He can come see me any time :smirk:

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Yeah superexcited acctually. Im a main evoker so… in 12 days ill have my true form. And new mounts… yummmm😇

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I’m not hyped for anything really don’t have that in my baseline but i do wanna play it till diablo4 comes out and i do like the talent system .

Will see how the raids / dungeons are , and if my friends will keep playing after season 1 this are my main filters for playing expansions .

they are only manditory in the eyes of the playerbase that go out of their way to maximise every single thing that they do in this game, the only reason the talents seem manditory is because people are avoiding being reasonable and understanding that they give you benefits, they are only looking at the bottom of the tree seeing something interesting they want and deeming everything between that to be “manditory and boring”

sure some of the talents are not great, but every system has its flaws and literally nothing can be perfect, there are a lot of people unhappy with the talents for whatever reason and a lot of people are happy with it for whatever reason, if there are changes made to apease some people it just upsets the others, and they are still in the exact same situation

the current setup for talents in pre patch is a massive upgrade over what we had before just purely because its gives more options to play with certains options, take warlock as an example as im not overly familiar with a lot of other classes, right now i can take something like catablysm or inferno and play with that along side fire and brimstone, thats an option that i wasnt given with the old system

thats because people are over hyping expectations on what an expansion should be, this is an expansion based around a rebuild and starting a new chapter in story as well if preach is to be believed after his trip to irvine, they are building a solid foundation that they will be able to build on top of in future, so it might seem lackluster and just a “filler” expansion, but thats not neccesarily a bad thing, it gives them more options in the future to make something that is even better.

a lot of the changes being made are good, for example, there is no feeling trapped in the game anymore, like you log in on reset and get given a giant list of tasks that have to be compelted in order to start doing what you actually want to do, thats a massive improvement and should lead to more fun in the game. people just need to learn to actually experience something before whining about it being bad, dragonflight hasnt even launched yet and the vast majority of the playerbase havnt stepped foot in or played any of the content, so there is no way to know how enjoyable it will be, as its very difficult to tell through a second hand view


Yes and no. Dragons and Titanforged are always cool… but than again, if it turns out being released as buggy and laggy as people say on the internet I won’t be buying it, at least initially.

Eh, not really, not yet. I’m about to move house, all my energy goes into that. Next week, when I’m settled in, maybe I will have more time to think about WoW and stuff :smirk:

Less hyped than all the other expansions. Way more cynical but willing to give it ago.

I’m really looking forward because I really like dragons! For the longest time I was hoping they would update the dragons in game, they were looking quite dated. :smile:
And Azeroth! Have missed it the past 2 years!

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after BFA and SL being hyped for a wow expansion has evaporated

  • free hong kong and sex scandal , I can’t shill with Blizz anymore.

I just play wow because I’m addict tbh I used to praise wow and recommend everyone to play. Now I just B***h about it for the last 5 years. I’m tired at this point w/e

I think the best thing to come out of wow was Summer 2019 with classic wow launch. Even you hate classic , the excitement , the community , all my friends and guildies grouping up to take it on. I can’t see Dragonflight bringing up that momentum nor the the same momentum as WoD did.

I asked ex guildies and friends who used to play would you come back for Dragonflight and they posted the youtube video from wow crendor " all you need is dragons to make wow great … zombie dragon even better"

So true

From what I’ve seen and read so far (played the beta), I daresay I already miss Shadowlands.


Not really.

The only thing I am excited for is the removed rating requirement for PvP gearing.

Solo ranked arena, DF maps/ambient/enviroment, content, M+, new talent tree, raiding etc. don’t excite me even a bit. Biggest disappointment was the talents and lack of class fantasy.

Idk other classes but mine is pretty much the same.

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