Are you kidding me about rogue?

Of course it is, you’re a druid.

And for those who were wondering, yeap rogue mains are the most delulu players…

Feral is not rogue so idk if there is point in comparing them. Its kinda like comparing ww with fury example cause they both hit ppl in melee and deal physical dmg. Rogue and feral both have stealth but their difference is night and day in pvp on terms of cooldowns and gameplay and it is good Imo, other is druid and other is rogue. Its good they are not the same and good if classes are not tried to make too similar in mmorpg, they are supposed to be different by design cause they are two different things.

I would prefer if feral were not tried to make exact clones of rogues but instead have their own thing and plans for them continued have their own designs that distinguishes them from rogues.

rogues movement speed in stealth must be cast down to 50%, like it was in the past, and rogues must be detectable whenever they are within 5m radius.

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