Are you kidding me about rogue?

look, i recently play my druid alt and i realised

it is just a better rogue

i mean tiger dash is on 45 second cooldown while rogue need to take talent to barerly make it 1 minute

this is unfair and i want my permament sprint from warlords of draenor back

many people might disagree with me but in my opinion

a rogue need to be more agile than a cat druid

like, what the hell is this spec for ?

and dont let me start on the entire druid kit and spells

my spellbook on rogue doesnt even have a 1 full page of skills :smiley:

meanwhile druid have various of cc heal shapshifts buffs

rogue should bring raid buff and it should be called armor break or something

buff that give you physical penetration it would fits class perfectly

i dont know what these devs are smoking but rogue need more class identiti’

ah, btw i want to sprint on water as a baseline too
we used to sprint over water like moses
now that they took it from us


Rogue is there to download addons and track enemy CDs and DRs in PvP to enable big boy classes to win.

How’s “neglect” for class identity?

In 11.1 all we got is removal of 4 crucial PvP talents. That’s it.

All other classes got 20-50 paragraphs of text per spec, and rogues got a slap in the face and a spit in the eyes.


oh yeah youre right, we are losing shadow duel soon…
one of the funniest spell out there 1v1 cage match in shadow realm
blizzard instead of fix it naaaah just remove it :smiley:

i will never leave my rogue

i even have rogue tatoo on my hand (POISION VIAL ;D)
if people ask me what is this tatoo meaning i tell them it was my toxic life lmao

anyways : D
i want my rogue to be more agile

i have a idea for spell
i call it “exciting adventure”
it will be pop cooldown that gives you crit damage, melding aka harder to see buff and a dodge % for 15 seconds

Our class is not very popular right now and for good reasons. Everything that we do other classes can do better.

But it’s been my main since forever and I’m not the kind of guy that rolls flavor of the month just to beat content.


this season i went tank blood dk, just because i play with friends on discord and we make some m+ keys

if i go solo season 2 i will sure dust off this rogue

and i will play assa
assa is super chill to play on keys i like aoe garrote talent and all the stuff

Yeah I have a good time with it honestly. The damage is pretty good and the playstyle is quite fun.

I personally prefer Sub’s playstyle (old habits since I used to do PvP only) but in keys it falls short comparing to assassination.

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When I throw a rogue off a 60 foot tall house and he lands on his feet, shakes himself down and licks his hands before strutting off with it’s tail in the air showing everyone it’s glorious [REDACTED] then we can talk about rogues being more agile than cat druids…


Only if you give up vanish.

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lol this is not going to happen.
are you insane ?
vanish is our core abiliti we do not work without it

I kinda disagree. To begin with, bring a Feral and a Assa of the same ilvl to a m+ and compare dps. The difference is kinda huge.

Utility wise, while feral gets clearcasts that can be used to support the grp, that rarely if ever happens, cause its a gcd lost. They get a barskin and SI (im not sure). Sure you can go bear and buy a few seconds but still. On higher keys it makes no difference.

At the other hand , rogue gets his own heal,which is decent, some minor leech (that many specs/classes have access too nowdays), evasion which is so-and-so, cloak of shadows which rocks and feign which is also super strong. What really makes the rogue apart from feral is the ability to vanish and break all combat which can be used in various way, from cheesing mechanics to resetting fight.

Old Warlord sprint was super awesome and it would be great to return. Nothing to say more about it.

Rogue could be improved but comparing to Feral is like kicking a dead horse. There is no real comparison. Feral dps is lower, the rotational complexity is many steps higher and while shapeshifting can potentialy empower the Druid it doesnt actualy empower him, not in any meaningful way.

Would you trade the 2 charges of Shadowstep and outlaw hook for it? Rogue has WAY more mobility than cats.

They already bring a buff with atrophic poison.

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rogue bad?

The immense superiority of Feral druid over all other classes and Rogue in particular is very clearly evidenced by the enormous number of FOTM rerollers who play it.


Acktually you could do that if you were Sub during Legion, you would not take fall damage.
Rogues take less fall damage tbh, is on their passives.

This is definitely a post of all times. The level of just complete nonsense I’m reading is actually astronomical.

How does someone who plays a rogue, a class with 6 get out of jail free cards, even begin to complain about a class that has to sit in a form that makes you do 0 damage and most likely doesn’t actually save you most of the time?

That is just wild to me :scream_cat:

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Well I recently discovered that my DH, that I have been working on as my main through all of S1 was outdone by my lower ilvl Pala in almost every way. So ye, class imbalance is all around.

Paladin is so strong that you can just ignore how blitz wants you to play the class and go for sword and board instead of a 2h weapon and still make acceptable DMG for your average casual player.

Pray tell.

Vanish enables "Subterfuge"Abilities requiring Stealth, which can be used for 3 sec after Stealth breaks. Combat benefits requiring Stealth persist for an additional 3 sec after Stealth breaks.,
Its a big part of the rotation and Rogue's core gameplay loop; its used defensively and offensively.

Without it , the class would need a pretty chunky rework.

This is only from a PVP point of view, no idea about PVE but I can imagine it has a similar value to a DPS increase and so on,

Not just barely. It is 1 minute. Tiger Dash also only lasts 5 seconds while Sprint lasts for 12 seconds. And while TD gives you 200% increased speed in comparison to Sprints 100% you will lose speed very fast in TD as the speed increase gets decreased during its 5 second duration so Sprint will come out on top.

How about no?

2 Shadowsteps (offensive and defensive usage) as Assa + Sprint. 2 Shadowstpes (offensive+defensive) + Shadowstrike teleport in stealth and vanish + Sprint as sub.

2 Grappling hooks + 30% passive movement speed and equal to cat form in that regard (due to rogue tree and outlaw tree) + sprint.

A druid being versatile was its selling point since Vanilla.

We can break roots etc with Vanish (which is used on Ansurek for instance)

Rogues bring a raid buff. Atrophic Poison. A 3.6% decreased dmg done by the boss if specced into MP (otherwise 3%). A debuff that was quite of value during Kyveza progression.

And make us completely mandatory. AP is insane. Also if you want a raid/party buff then go play Trickster Sub and you give your raid/party an immunity to melee parry, and yes it applies to everybody and not just the rogue (got used for Ansurek due to Ansurek also having melee parried like crazy (and probably still does) as well as mobs in general seem to melee parry a lot more in this xpac)

You know what makes us different to Ferals? We are actually being picked for Groups.