Are you ready for 10 hour queues again?

No queues on Ten Storms; and still a great population.

Im not getting queues cause im not insisting on playing on one server :smiley: pls don’t fix and let it sort itself out

My body is ready, give it to me!

I’m ready, afterall it’s my own choice that I am on a high pop server. It would have also been my own choice to transfer.


They already announced transfers will be available for free.

They announced before launch that layers would be removed going into Phase 2, so this is not a surprise unless you have been living under a rock.

You’d think you’d be 60 and not lvl 10 still if you’ve played 16hrs/day since release.
Maybe you should play more?

Love queues. I have spent 30 hours in queues since release, aaand its my own choice. I could migrate to whatever and not have queues at all, but i rather get queues and play on a huge server.

Worth it. Have a nice weekend OP.

Says the guy playing on a pve server… yikes

Says the guy who can’t even hit lvl 29 ON RETAIL.

Why are all the top guilds in terms of pve on pvp servers?

Why would I care about ‘top guilds’ anywhere?

On the PvE servers the queues are probably not going to hit the 10 hour mark, But as we have no places to trans fer to it will be a not very funny time to play with once again no mobs, no nodes no nothing but 20-30 other players all in 5ma groups waiting to tag the mob before your group has a chance. Welcome to no-fun lag-land come phase 2.

PS I do not understand why the PvE realms do have to go to one layer. We’re there for the E = environment not for the P = players, so one or two or even three layers won’t do anything but enabling us to play.

“No worries, blizzard have the perfect solution for you; No solution.”

How about instead of whining about it, you would actually tell what would be the solution?

Bigger servers aint gonna do that without layering, just saying.
Upgrading servers might not be possible, but ofc yall know it is and how to do it so tell us how.
Dont even go down there with the “but private servers…” when theyre obviously 2 different things

And if anyone feels like replying to this, please do it with solutions, not with speculation. In other words, give us solutions

More PvE servers would solve the problem for Non-PvPers with the arrival of phase two; or not removing layering for PvE servers at all.

My only solution for PvP realms would be to lower the number of online characters allowed on any PvP realm to a manageable minimum, and force transfer to a new server with rerolls only later on (for names) and a fixed closing date (like 3 weeks hence).

Thats no solution. I would cancel my sub immediatly if i got forced transfered

I feel like it wont be much of an issue outside of the few super servers and its not like they didnt know there’s a population issue from day 1… /careface

I think recently they increased the pop cap on some of those servers. 1 week ago same time we had a 3k queue on saturday. No way playerbase went down that fast in a week when it was stable before. So most likely pop caps were increased

Ye, sure, right, oh, wait, wat?

No solution? They’ve had transfers and told people exactly what to expect. If people don’t wanna use the solution that’s their own fault so I say let them suffer.

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