Are you sick of the PvP Q topics?

enchantment shammy

And I main mining priest


Yes I was vocal about the griefing but I did not want game modes from retail to be added to the game.

What do you mean ? mining priest what’s that to do with playing enhancement shammy

Yeah and I remember you guys saying AV map was balanced, the phase 2 goto retail posts to people getting ganked who wanted changes or “fix” times have changed now tables have turned oh and I didn’t not advocate changes to the game on phase 2.

I still say wow classic av was completely broken, I was also against premades in classic which didn’t really effect my faction, so what’s your point? I am entitled to have an opinion on any topic I choose just the same you guys are I don’t say you cannot have an opinion on how to fix the queue system and I don’t oppose as long as it doesn’t break the games faction balance like Merc mode does

My point was for Themara. As she wasn’t asking to stop the posting of the same kind of posts about a pvp issue that were flooding the forum back then.
On the same note I’ve never said that AV was balanced as it’s still isn’t even with the new cave location nor did I tell anyone a moronic phrase like “go to retail”. I haven’t advocated for changes now either as with ot wihout merc mode I’m not going to pvp in TBC even in classic I barely did.

Ah you named me by name in your post I never said you did but alot of horde did there is also people on here who where completely opposite my opinions on classic but have the exact same opinion as me on Merc mode

No you & tartan are literally the definition of “#nOcHanGeS unless it suits me”

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No I’m not against all changes, I actually like some changes but I understand it’s not only me playing and would be selfish to keep pushing changes that are simply disliked and I don’t like changes that decimate my faction for the benefit of players who made poor decisions

Read topic name again.

Nope. We need more.

Its good that people are expressing their opinions, thats what the forums are about, right?

No, you said ENCHANTNEMT shaman, you don’t even know how your talent tree is called, clown

Maybe the poor decision was to pick alliance? in a game where Open World PvP exist but get cried from 1 Faction we literally dont need 2 Factions just Reroll Horde get one of this OP Racials you tell allday about and let them bring Horde vs Horde mode.

The only “changes” I support are fixes to bugs, glitches and exploits. But yeah you know what’s in my head.

There will continue to be topics made on this until the absolutely dreadful excuse for a company that runs this game can be bothered to even acknowledge it, let alone address it.

Don’t like it? Reroll another forum. You should have known this was coming. You deserve it because I got ganked once.


Like when are we getting fixed mob behavior, instead of getting windfury hits that smack your tank for 20k damage. So far the mobs that made such attacks are: BF and SH heroic trash, Durnhold heroic trash, Highking Mulgar and Prince Malchezaar.

All mobs and bosses in the game reset their auto attack swing timers with each skill used, leading into 1 swing hit for 15k-20k damage.

Or you can stick to the topics about this. Look at this thread I wanted to start one as diversion so we can talk about something different. You chose to come here. So how about you try to stick to the tread and not bring you constant bratty entitlement everywhere you go?

No, you made a thread about the other threads. That’s hardly a diversion to talk about something else. We get it, you’re smug about an issue that doesn’t affect you. Congratulations. Now please stick to the topic and let’s talk about the other PvP threads.

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So funny create a topic and dont want people to answer the topic name which is a question and not a solution for this question

It is ‘what your talent tree is called’ not ‘how your talent tree is called’.
Study more language and less wow, you illiterate clown.